Are We On The Verge Of Repeating The 2008 Financial Crisis?

Forbes: Deutsche Bank Shares Keep Plunging And Spooking Financial Markets

With a storm consisting of big short sellers, nervous hedge funds and U.S. federal prosecutors brewing, Deutsche Bank shares plunged in New York trading again on Thursday and spooked financial markets.

In recent years, the U.S. Department of Justice has been able to pull off a careful dance of imposing enormous multi-billion dollar fines related to the financial crisis on big banks without causing a market-crushing banking disaster. But the demand by federal prosecutors that Deutsche Bank pay $14 billion has caused many market players in September to question the big German bank’s capital cushion.

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WNU Editor: Deutsche bank is not going to collapse. But the bail-out is going to cost multi-billions if needed.

More News On Troubles At Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank got slammed again -- Business Insider
Deutsche Bank crisis threatens to roil global markets -- Market Watch
Pressure is building for Germany to show it's ready to rescue Deutsche Bank -- CNBC
Berlin faces Deutsche Bank bailout dilemma -- RT
Why is Deutsche Bank now the biggest worry in the financial world? -- The Telegraph
The Deutsche Bank crisis: How we got here, and where we are -- Evelyn Cheng, CNBC

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