National anthem nonsense comes to Australia

Imported from America. Allegiance cannot and should not be forced but the motivation behind this disrespect is deeply twisted.  American blacks live far better in America than they do anywhere else. American blacks should be thanking America for that, not insulting America.  Let the complaining blacks go back to Africa and see how they like it.  It is true that blacks run foul of the police a lot in America but that is an outcome of the high black rate of violent crime.

Australian blacks also have lots of complaints, despite long standing great efforts by all Australian governments to improve their lot.  Everything has been tried.  Their problems are their own, nobody else's

THE NRL has been dragged into the national anthem protest storm with rugby league greats calling on players not to stand during the national anthem at this year’s NRL grand final.

Indigenous greats of the game have called on indigenous players from the Sharks, Cowboys, Storm and Raiders to stage a protest when Advance Australia Fair is performed before kick-off at the NRL decider to be held at ANZ Stadium on October 2.

It comes after San Francisco 49ers star Colin Kaepernick knelt during the American national anthem in a silent form of protest against oppression of black and other minority communities in the United States.

Rugby League Week has reported NRL greats Larry Corowa and Joe Williams have publicly called on players to “send a powerful message to white Australia”.


Fury at controversial cartoonist Bill Leak's latest drawing depicting gay marriage campaigners as NAZIS

They've been acting like it lately, with their successful attempt to shut down a Christian meeting.  As the old saying goes:  "If the cap fits, wear it"

An Australian cartoonist has stirred up more controversy after he compared LGBTIQ activists to Nazis.

The drawing by veteran cartoonist Bill Leak appeared in The Australian and showed a group of men dressed in the uniforms of the Nazi SS, in LGBTIQ colours and carrying bats with the words 'WAFFEN-SSM' beneath them.

His latest cartoon was branded homophobic on social media and comes ahead of a possible national referendum on same sex marriage next year.

The Waffen-SS were an armed wing of Hitler's SS, who were responsible for running both the extermination and concentration camps in Nazi Germany, with the 'SSM' in the cartoon instead standing for 'same-sex marriage'.

Comedian Ben McLeay was just one person who was angered by the cartoon, the SBS reports.

'Bill Leak might be the dumbest man alive but he's not an idiot, he knows full well what the Waffen were responsible for, and yet he chose to go ahead with it,' McLeay said.

'It must be infuriating for these people, clutching on tightly to bigotry like it's the door at the end of the Titanic.'



Four current articles below

Another one of those multiculturalists Australia is so lucky to have

Mustafa, who 'kidnapped schoolgirl, 13, at knifepoint and raped her before leading police on a high-speed chase sexually assaulted three other women'

A man accused of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint is facing new sexual assault allegations on three other women. Mustafa Kayirici, 26, was arrested in Sydney's Bondi on June 25 after ploughing into a parked car before crashing into a bus stop during a high-speed chase with police.

He was charged over the alleged kidnapping, sexual assault and robbery of a woman and a teenager in two separate incidents in June.

On Wednesday Kayirici has been charged with a string of fresh offences, including the aggravated sexual assault and robbery of three other women.

Following further inquiries, strike force detectives identified three alleged incidents that were reported to have occurred in May.

He was arrested was arrested at a correctional facility in Sydney on Tuesday.

The charges include six counts of aggravated sexual assault, three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and two counts of obtain for advantage.

He was also charged with carriage service to threaten, robbery armed with offensive weapon, assault with intent to rob, aggravated break, enter, steal and commit serious indictable offence; and break, enter, steal and commit serious indictable offence.

Police alleged the incidents involved a 26-year-old woman on May 7, a 37-year-old woman on May 20 and another 37-year-old woman on May 30.

He was refused bail to appear at Central Local Court on Wednesday.


Video of Muslim aggression censored

THE man who filmed an altercation between a Muslim university student and a man wearing a Pauline Hanson T-shirt has been revealed as the leader of a far-right group.

The furious encounter occurred on Curtin University’s campus in Perth when a woman in a headscarf confronted the man with the T-shirt featuring the One Nation leader. “You have no right to be on this campus, you’re not welcome here,” she shouts.

The man in the Hanson top responds: “I have an appointment here, I’m a former student. I have as much right to be here as you or anyone else.”

Yahoo 7 revealed the man who filmed the encounter was Dennis Huts, the leader of the Perth wing of the far-right group United Patriots Front (UPF).

On Thursday morning, Huts took to the Facebook page of the UPF, which has been involved with Reclaim Australia rallies, claiming to be the person filming.

“Yesterday I had an appointment on the university campus (and) I was attacked by a Muslim woman and her Marxist friends,” he says in the video.

“They’re regulars at Reclaim (Australia) rallies. They recognised me that’s what set them off. They don’t like it, so I was attacked. I did nothing wrong, I wasn’t the aggressor.”

He said he had been banned from Facebook for 30 days and his original video was removed.

“It staggers me they would do that given the stuff they allow to be on there, it seems like such as double standard,” the man claimed calling for people to rally at Facebook offices.

It is not clear what happened prior to the altercation between the pair on the university campus.

In the video, the man in the Hanson top says he has an appointment at the university and is a former student. “I have as much right to be here as you or anyone else,” he says.

The woman responds: “Why are you wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt? What, do you want to punch me in the face?”

He replies: “Because I support her. I don’t have to answer to you.”

Turning to other students, she points at the man and shouts. “He’s a fascist; he has no right to be here; all he wants to do is demonise us. “Muslims have had enough get off this campus you are not welcome here.”

Another student then gets involved. “I’ve seen you on this campus harassing women, harassing Muslims,” she says. “F**k off.”

The man then replies: “I’m an ex-student I have a complete degree and I have a right to here in relation to my degree. F**k you.”


Multiculturalists attack sex workers

Canberra police are hunting a group of men thought to have gang-raped and robbed at least six sex workers.

ACT Policing's Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team has been investigating reports of violent sexual assaults and robberies since last month under Operation Sparren.  They're aware of six incidents involving the same offenders.

Police say the men, who operate in groups of two or three, make an individual appointment with a female sex worker through an online ad. The man then lets in one or more others.

Women have been aggressively sexually assaulted, sometimes at knifepoint. Some have also been robbed at knifepoint.

Detective Sergeant David Crowe said there may be other victims who have yet to come forward and report sexual assault or robbery incidents. "Police recognise the emotional hardship and courage involved in coming forward if you are a victim of a sexual assault," he said in a statement.

Two of the men are described as Middle Eastern or Indian in appearance. A third is described as African in appearance.


Half of all Australians AGREE with Pauline Hanson's call to ban all Muslim immigration

Almost half of all Australians support One Nation leader Pauline Hanson's policy of ban Muslim immigration over fears Islamic people 'do not integrate into Australian culture'.

Polling conducted by Essential Research found 49 per cent of Australians surveyed supported a ban on Muslim immigration to Australia, with 40 per cent opposed to the idea.

The results surprisingly revealed more than one third of Greens voters (34 per cent) support the proposed ban, while 60 per cent of Liberal voters and 40 per cent of Labor voters agreed.

A perceived terrorist threat was the second greatest reason given (27 per cent) by those who support the ban, behind fears Muslim people 'do not integrate into Australian society' (41 per cent).

22 per cent of those who supported a ban said Muslim people 'do not share our values', while just four per cent said Australia is a Christian country.

The poll of 1,000 people across Australia was conducted twice because of the 'surprising' results.

Peter Lewis, Executive Director of the research company, said he had concerns the results showed it was a 'rogue poll' because he did not believe the poll would be so decisive.

'We thought it would be more than the actual Hanson vote, but the actual level of support surprised me,' Mr Lewis said in a statement.

'I was worried it was what we call a 'rogue poll' - although the weekly 2PP [two party preferred] looked fine.

'So we repeated [the poll] and got the exact same result,' Mr Lewis said.

The results come just a week after One Nation's Pauline Hanson told the Senate in her maiden speech: 'Australia is in danger of being swamped by Muslims.'

'If you are not prepared to obey our laws, respect our culture and our way of life, then I suggest you go back where you came from,' she said.

'If it will be any help, I will take you to the airport and wave you goodbye with sincere best wishes.'

She said the 'culture and ideology' of Islam is 'incompatible to our own'.

Greens senators staged a walk-out mid-way through Ms Hanson's speech.

Political commentator Osman Faruqi said Muslim people had been demonised in the media for the past 15 years without the space to respond, and the 'racist' results should not come as a surprise.

Labor's Tim Watts said on Twitter there was a 'need for political leadership to challenge and unpack this simplistic, political snake oil'.

He pointed out Australia's regional ally Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population.

'Imagine if Hanson's xenophobia caused us to cut ourselves off from China in the 90s? Now she wants to make the same mistake with Indonesia?' he said on Wednesday morning.

The news comes as race discrimination commissioner Tim Soutphommasane criticised Ms Hanson for stoking the flames of racial hatred as an 'initiation rite' for new waves of migrants.

He is due to speak at Australian National University on Wednesday.

'Some would say that just as the Irish, Italians, Greeks and Asians copped ugliness, so too will Muslims. That immigrants must show grit and forbearance, become part of the mainstream, and then be free to have a go at the next lot who arrive,' Mr Soutphommasane's speech notes say, according to Guardian Australia.

'While we may never eradicate racism and bigotry, it isn't good enough to say its targets must grin and bear it, or that there's nothing we can do. Doing so amounts to normalising racism, to suggesting that it should be tolerated.'


Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).    For a daily critique of Leftist activities,  see DISSECTING LEFTISM.  To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup  of pro-environment but anti-Greenie  news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH .  Email me  here

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