Obama leads on climate change, WI in obstructionist hands

Props to President Barack Obama for continuing leadership on climate change as his tenure winds down while seemingly endless floods rampage across the US south and a major piece in The New York Times piece put it all into perspective.
President Obama
In the US West, and elsewhere, the flip side of climate change extremes beings heat, drought and fire.

Climate change isn't a theory or some-day-in-the-future daydream. It's here and now.

And let's hope Donald Trump never gets close enough to the White House where his ignorance and superficiality would make climate change denial the law and policy of the land.

Regrettably, in the state where once strode Aldo Leopold, John Muir and Earth Day founder and former Governor Gaylord Nelson, Trump has the backing of assorted key deniers and ignorami in the Wisconsin Party of Pollution, including Republicans Gov. Scott Walker, US House Speaker Paul Ryan, US Senator Ron Johnson, and US Rep. Sean Duffy.

And don't forget Cathy Stepp, the former developer and Trump cheerleader named by Walker to bring a "chamber of commerce mentality" to the state's clean air and water - - the once-proud and science-based Department of Natural Resources Secretary diminished, soured and handcuffed by Wisconsin Republicans

Teamed with the ideological environmental opponent GOP Attorney General Brad Schimel, Wisconsin pollution enablers are turning Wisconsin's once green reputation deep, indelible red.

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