The Hill: US military: Iranian behavior getting worse in Persian Gulf
Iran has stepped up its harassment of U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf, angering the U.S. military and members of Congress.
Since the international nuclear deal with Iran was implemented in early January, the number of incidents involving U.S. and Iranian ships in the Gulf has approximately doubled.
The Navy has counted at least 31 interactions with Iranian naval forces deemed “unsafe,” “unprofessional,” or both, according to a defense official.
That's about as many such interactions that occurred all of last year, according to statistics provided to Fox News.
And those are also only counting interactions that have met the criteria of “unsafe” or “unprofessional.”
Overall, there were more than 300 interactions between U.S. and Iranian forces last year.
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WNU Editor: The Iranians know that the White House is not going to order U.S. Navy ships to shoot at these Iranian Navy vessels when they conduct these "swarm exercises" .... hence they are going to test the envelop to see what they can get away with..