Quite the Star Wars bar scene at Waukesha TrumpFest

No Scott Walker in Waukesha tonight, but look at the wacko birds that did show up: Former NY City Mayor and Hillary Clinton hater Rudi Giuliani, Wisconsin DNR Secretary and tiny-deer-slayer Cathy Stepp, 
Wisconsin DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp proudly shows off her first deer, taken opening weekend last year. In the upcoming TV Special "Deer Hunt Wisconsin 2012, Stepp urges male hunters to take more girls and women hunting. "The secret's out," she says. "Hunting is a lot of fun, so don't keep it to yourselves." photo courtesy of Wisconsin DNR
travelin' Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, former US Senator-turned-arms-dealer Bob Kasten, Jr, and former WI Governor and US Senate-candidate-beaten -by-Tammy Baldwin-Tommy Thompson.

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