This New U.S. Army Ground-Launched Missile System Will Rain Down Death From 500 Kilometers Away

Photo: Scout

Kris Osborn, National Interest: US Army's New Ground-Launched Missile: Raining Down Death from 500 Kilometers Away

The Army is working to engineer a sleek, high-speed, first-of-its-kind long-range ground launched attack missile able to pinpoint and destroy enemy bunkers, helicopter staging areas, troop concentrations and other fixed-location targets from as much as three time the range of existing weapons, service officials said.

The emerging Long Range Precision Fires, slated to be operational by 2027, is being designed to destroy targets at distances up to 500 kilometers.

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Update: Army Ground-Launched Missile hits 500 km-2027 (Scout)

WNU Editor: This weapon system is slated to be operational by 2027 .... a lot can happen from now to then.

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