As has become routine during GOP WI Governor and presidential dreamer Scott Walker's desultory nearly six years in office, fresh, gold-standard data was released yesterday which showed Wisconsin ranking 33rd in job growth among the 50 states.
Little surprise, given the Walker administration's absence of any coherent economic planning, and I don't mean trickle-down tax breaks, nifty PR billboards at the borders and far-flung trade missions which were principally designed to boost Walker's foreign policy experience for his momentary run for President last year and the next one in 2020 for which he's already gearing up.
And don't expect anything approaching a turnaround, given the exodus of big-name, major employers from the state in recent months - Oscar Mayer, Caterpillar, Manitowoc Crane - - and the materials' supply chains and white-collar service and consulting positions that disappeared in ugly ripples along with the iconic firms' payrolls.
Two questions for Walker and the media which cover him:
* Would it be too much for media to press Walker for an explanation about his failure to create the 250,000 new private sec tor jobs which was the centerpiece promise of both his 2010 gubernatorial race and the 2012 recall election?
* Likewise - - what about that Robin Vos promise that once the recall election was over, the Wisconsin economy would take off like a rocket. "A tremendous takeoff," Walker predicted.
Or has the GOP so devalued politics in Wisconsin, where traditional media is also on the decline, that political incompetence is ignored and performance is irrelevant?

Little surprise, given the Walker administration's absence of any coherent economic planning, and I don't mean trickle-down tax breaks, nifty PR billboards at the borders and far-flung trade missions which were principally designed to boost Walker's foreign policy experience for his momentary run for President last year and the next one in 2020 for which he's already gearing up.
And don't expect anything approaching a turnaround, given the exodus of big-name, major employers from the state in recent months - Oscar Mayer, Caterpillar, Manitowoc Crane - - and the materials' supply chains and white-collar service and consulting positions that disappeared in ugly ripples along with the iconic firms' payrolls.
Two questions for Walker and the media which cover him:
* Would it be too much for media to press Walker for an explanation about his failure to create the 250,000 new private sec tor jobs which was the centerpiece promise of both his 2010 gubernatorial race and the 2012 recall election?
* Likewise - - what about that Robin Vos promise that once the recall election was over, the Wisconsin economy would take off like a rocket. "A tremendous takeoff," Walker predicted.
Or has the GOP so devalued politics in Wisconsin, where traditional media is also on the decline, that political incompetence is ignored and performance is irrelevant?