What's My Take On Wednesday's 'Commander in Chief' Forum On NBC

Zero Hedge: Matt Lauer Slammed By Mainstream Press After Vet Tells Hillary "I Would Have Been Imprisoned" If I Did What You Did

During last night's "Commander in Chief" forum in which both presidential candidates laid out their views about the future of the US military, as well as the country's defense and security, with both committing numerous gaffes, none appears to have gotten as much criticism as event moderator Matt Lauer. As the NYT reports this morning, "charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton, as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates, Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."

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WNU Editor: The complete 'Commander in Chief' forum can be seen here. As to what is my take .... the above clip was the most memorable for me, but otherwise both candidates stayed on their scripts. As to what is my take on the entire U.S. Presidential election right now .... the momentum is quietly shifting to Donald Trump, but the electoral votes, financial resources, ground game, and support from the media are still all favouring Hillary Clinton..

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