Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 3, 2016

Inside Story/Al Jazeera: Can peace in Colombia be saved?

Voters reject the historic deal to end half a century of war with FARC rebels.

It was hailed as a done deal. But when Colombia's peace agreement was put to a vote - the people said no.

With a difference of less than one percent, they rejected the deal, calling it too forgiving.

About 260,000 people died during the war with FARC, which lasted more than half a century. Critics of the peace deal want justice. President Juan Manuel Santos is vowing to continue the search for peace.

But before the referendum he warned a "no" vote would return Colombia to war.

So, where does this leave the country?

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 3, 2016

Why Colombians voted against peace with the Farc -- Isabel Hilton, The Guardian

Uncertainty in Colombia after FARC peace deal rejected -- Ben Knight, DW

Colombia’s Brexit moment as politicians misjudge popular anger at Farc amnesty -- Sibylla Brodzinsky, The Guardian

After emerging from hideouts, Colombia's rebels now in limbo -- AP

Russia and Assad Regime’s Destruction in Aleppo Likely to Leave Only Extremists Standing -- Nancy Youssef, Daily Beast

In Saudi Arabia: Can It Really Change? -- Nicolas Pelham, New York Review Of Books

Controlling Libya’s wealth: Hifter’s long game -- Jason Pack, Al Monitor

Shortfalls in rule of law stall good governance in Africa -- Sella Oneko, DW

Why Libya Could Completely Derail OPEC’s Deal -- Julianne Geiger,

Kashmir again on the boil -- Japan Times editorial

Kashmir conflict: Do nuclear weapons prevent all-out war? -- Michael Kugelman, CNN

Go Ahead. Let Japan and South Korea Go Nuclear. -- James Van de Velde, National Interest

People Think Socialism Works Because Countries Like China Memory Hole Its Atrocities -- Helen Raleigh, The Federalist

The man who is really running Britain -- Alex Spence and Tom McTague, Politico

Development Aid: Bringing Light to the Darkness -- Spiegel Online

Two Views on Where U.S. Diplomacy Has Made Inroads, or Not
-- Eli Lake & James Gibney, Bloomberg

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