Dam removal shows value of citizen-gov't partnership

Another big step in on the agenda Monday towards restoring the natural flow of the Milwaukee River, as the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District will close in on removing the disintegrating, useless, obstructive and watershed-damaging eyesore otherwise known as the Estabrook Dam which the Milwaukee County Board had unwisely retained.

Thanks to the strong grassroots work by Milwaukee Riverkeeper - - which like Midwest Environmental Advocates which is fighting for clean water statewide or Friends of the Black River Forest for stalling the bulldozing of a water-and-dune-rich nature preserve adjacent to Kohler-Andrae State Park along Lake Michigan near Sheboygan - - for rescuing Wisconsin's environmental commitment and the land itself which have been under continuous assault since Scott Walker inflicted his donors preferred 'chamber of commerce mentality' atop and deep within the Department of Natural Resources and degraded the agency's effectiveness and mission.

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