Wisconsin GOP US Senator Ron Johnson took another shot at Democratic opponent Russ Feingold's Harvard Law School education.
He's done it before, describing Feingold as:

You know, Harvard - - that school where multiple US Supreme Court Justices and US Presidents got degrees- - including Republican President George Bush, current Chief Justice John Roberts, and the late Justice and GOP hero Antonin Scalia.
What elitists!
And eight of Johnson's GOP Senate colleagues and presumed elitists received degrees there, too, a Harvard publication says:
But wait, there's more.
Johnson's committee assignments, include Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Budget, Foreign Relations, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and Commerce, Science and Transportation, and everyone who knows DC knows how important are the Capitol committee staffers.
I wonder if key staffers upon whom Johnson relies when the Senate is in session know of his disdain for their alma mater, including these key personnel with Harvard degrees whom I found in twenty minutes on Google:
Christopher Ford, Chief Legislative Counsel to US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Harvard grad.
Dan Kowalski, Deputy staff director, Budget Committee, JFK School of Public Policy, Harvard.
Nick Rossi, Deputy Staff Director at U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation. Harvard Law grad.
Brian Callahan, Staff director, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Harvard law grad.
Beth Grossman, chief counsel, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Harvard law grad.
Harvard, ick!
Or is Ron Johnson, ick?
He's done it before, describing Feingold as:
...a Washington elitist, someone who went to Harvard and Oxford, who has bamboozled folks here in Wisconsin that he's this independent, little maverick guy that has their best interests at heart."Your basic anti-intellectual GOP outsider labeling, complete with Harvard, ick!
You know, Harvard - - that school where multiple US Supreme Court Justices and US Presidents got degrees- - including Republican President George Bush, current Chief Justice John Roberts, and the late Justice and GOP hero Antonin Scalia.
What elitists!
And eight of Johnson's GOP Senate colleagues and presumed elitists received degrees there, too, a Harvard publication says:
*Tom Cotton ’99, J.D. ’02 (Ark.); Michael D. Crapo, J.D. ’77 (Id.); Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz, J.D. ’95 (Tex.); *Ben Sasse ’94 (Neb.); *Daniel S. Sullivan ’87 (Alas.); Pat Toomey ’84 (Pa.); David Vitter ’83 (La.)So is it really Harvard, ick? I mean, look at that list. The far-right heavyweight and almost GOP Presidential nominee Ted Cruz. And the up-and-coming firebrand Tom Cotton!
But wait, there's more.
Johnson's committee assignments, include Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Budget, Foreign Relations, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and Commerce, Science and Transportation, and everyone who knows DC knows how important are the Capitol committee staffers.
I wonder if key staffers upon whom Johnson relies when the Senate is in session know of his disdain for their alma mater, including these key personnel with Harvard degrees whom I found in twenty minutes on Google:
Christopher Ford, Chief Legislative Counsel to US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Harvard grad.
Dan Kowalski, Deputy staff director, Budget Committee, JFK School of Public Policy, Harvard.
Nick Rossi, Deputy Staff Director at U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation. Harvard Law grad.
Brian Callahan, Staff director, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Harvard law grad.
Beth Grossman, chief counsel, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Harvard law grad.
Harvard, ick!
Or is Ron Johnson, ick?