The Taliban In Afghanistan Are Now Using Drones To Film Their Suicide Attacks

Aj Jazeera: Taliban uses drones to film attacks in Afghanistan

Government official plays down significance of release of drone video which purportedly shows Taliban attack in Helmand.

The Afghan Taliban has uploaded a drone footage showing a suicide bomber driving into a police base and blowing it up in the southern Helmand province.

The fighters say the footage proves that they can now deploy drones as an "addition to their sophisticated possessions of advanced technologies".

The 23-minute-long video, which begins with a self-proclaimed suicide bomber speaking in front of an explosives-rigged Humvee, was released on Saturday appears to be authentic, according to the Afghan defence ministry.

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Update: Taliban release drone footage of suicide attack (Reuters)

WNU Editor: It looks like the Taliban have taken a page out of the Islamic State propaganda book on how to wage information warfare.

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