Michael Weiss, Daily Beast: Syrian Rebels Taunt U.S. Troops
Did Turkish-backed jihadis threaten to kill U.S. soldiers in Syria? Or was it a carefully crafted publicity stunt?
“Dogs!” the bearded fighters shouted.
“American agents!”
“No to the Christian coalition!”
“Down with America and all the countries that side with America!”
These were just some of the choice epithets hurled at U.S.-backed Syrian forces—and U.S. advisors among them—as their convoy passed through the border town of al-Rai in Aleppo province earlier this month.
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Previous Post: U.S. Forces Chased Out Of Syrian Town By American-Backed Rebels Who Threatened To Slaughter Them (September 16, 2016).
WNU Editor: This is a long post on the conflicting loyalties and foreign power entanglements that are now occurring in the battle for northern Syria.