Wisconsin's subsidized blood sport yields more dead hounds

Wisconsin bear hunters continue to throw their hounds into the chase and tree bears for easy rifle shot pickings through areas where territorial wolves - - perhaps drawn in by bear bait left by one or more of the bear hunters - - tear the dogs to pieces.

The bear hunters lobby has arranged for the state to reimburse a hounder $2,500 per killed dog, and this year's total will now exceed $100,000.

Two of the more recently slaughtered hounds looked like this Plott hound.

As the DNR reports today:

Hunting Dogs Killed in Iron and Sawyer Counties

Wildlife Services confirmed that wolves depredated the following hunting dogs over the weekend:
* A Plott hound killed on 10/1/16 in the Town of Winter, Sawyer County
* A Plott hound killed in a separate incident on 10/1/16 in the Town of Winter, Sawyer County
* A Redbone hound killed on 10/1/16 in the Town of Knight, Iron County
More information and a caution-area map are available on the gray wolf webpage.
Hunters are reminded to use the caution-area maps on the DNR website (dnr.wi.gov, keyword "wolf management") to help reduce conflicts during this year's bear dog training and hunting s

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