Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 1, 2016

Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky, Politico: Memo to the Next President: Avoid the ‘Vision Thing’ in the Mideast

America has made too many promises there and must pare down its involvement to a minimum, say two long-time State Department Officials

The U.S. Constitution talks about creating a more perfect Union, not a more perfect world. When, as a country, are we going to remember that? For decades now America has been trapped in a Middle East it cannot transform nor leave, and where bold ambitions and transformational visions more often than not go to die That calls for a cruel and unforgiving assessment of U.S. interests and the smart application of American power and leadership, mixed with a healthy dose of prudence and caution, to protect them. And it mandates avoidance of discretionary enterprises that aren’t connected directly with vital U.S. interests.

We are neither declinists nor isolationists. But based on more than a half century of combined experience working on Middle Eastern issues in the Department of State,

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 1, 2016

U.S. has intervened in Syria, but not in the way you think -- Annia Ciezadlo, Syria Deeply/UPI

Why diplomacy is failing in Syria -- Manish Rai, Asia Times

“I Have Outlived My Own Life”: Living Under Siege In Aleppo -- Yasmine Al-Sayyad, New Yorker

The War for Mosul Could Mend Obama's Troubled Iraq Legacy -- Ben Van Heuvelen , Bloomberg

Is Yemen headed for partition? -- Bruce Riedel, Al-Monitor

How Lebanon ended lengthy power vacuum and elected Michel Aoun -- Nicholas Blanford, CSM

The Missing Case for Deterrence and Resolve in Asia -- Hugh White, War on the Rocks

China has a conflict of interest in UN peacekeeping -- Emanuele Scimia Asia Times

Is it time for South Korea to nuke up? -- John Lee, NK News

The Lord's Resistance Army: Still a Threat -- Ledio Cakaj and Roandl Atkinson, Cipher Brief

The Guardian view on Russia: neither a partner nor an enemy -- Guardian editorial

Three Powers Will Shape Future State of World -- Dimitri Tremin, Carnegie Moscow Center

Ukraine's Millionaire Officials Come Out of Hiding -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

In Greece, Property Is Debt -- Nikos Konstandaras, NYT

America's Counterterrorism Allies: What Are They Good For? -- Clint Watts, Lawfare

Podcast: The security threats both candidates are ignoring -- Reuters

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