Stop work call to Indonesians, failure of Esscom?

TAWAU - The Indonesian Consulate here advised its citizens in East Coast of Sabah to be cautious and stop whatever activities at sea temporarily.

Indonesian Consulate Chief Representative in Tawau, Krishna Dielani said they were advising their citizens involved in commercial and job-related activities at sea here and in Lahad Datu, Kunak and Semporna to temporarily stop work.

“We are asking them not to go out to sea until Malaysian security forces can assure them of their safety,” he told a press conference at the Indonesian Consulate here yesterday.

Krishna said the consulate was observing the development of the security situation in the region off the eastern coast of Sabah, in particular maritime borders between Malaysia-Philippines-Indonesia.

He said a series of piracy, kidnappings and hostage-taking against the crew of boats plying the waters there had been carried out by armed groups.

The Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) Tawau appealed to Indonesian citizens living and working in the region of Sabah, especially in Tawau, Kunak, Lahad Datu and Semporna, in view of the security risks to consider the following matters.

He said there are about 1,500 Indonesians working on locally-owned fishing vessels in the four districts.

He said Indonesian citizens should comply with safety regulations in force in the East Coast region, particularly curfew rules in the territorial waters of the East Coast of Sabah/Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZONE).

Krishna called on them to increase self-awareness, family and the environment against interference or actions of armed civilian groups or terrorists.

“Halt (temporarily) the activity or activities in the territorial waters of East Sabah, such as fishing, tourism, commerce and other activities,” he said in a press conference yesterday.

He said in the event of emergency situations affecting Indonesian citizens in the region of Sabah, especially in Tawau, Kunak, Lahad Datu and Semporna, Indonesian citizens should immediately report to the nearest Malaysian security forces or contact the Consulate of the Republic Indonesia Tawau on telephone number 089-772052 and 089-752969.

He made these calls to all Indonesian citizens residing in Sabah.

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