Reid faced pressure to use the nuclear option. After all, Republicans threatened the nuclear option for less, but Reid didn't.
And then came 2013. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did something truly unprecedented. He announced that the entire Republican Party would stand unified to block Obama from filling any vacancies on the Third Circuit. They would filibuster, as an entire party, any nominee, no matter who they are. No Third Circuit appointees for Obama. That's the court right below the Supreme Court. Majority Leader Harry Reid had a choice. Either let the Republicans have complete control of the second-most important court in the country, or go nuclear.
Here, I apply the concept of "common knowledge of rationality" from game theory, best explained by this classic scene from The Princess Bride.
The problem with Vizzini's attempt to solve the battle of wits is that he can't game it out that way. Infinite regress. I am rational. You are rational. I know that you know, you know that I know, and so forth. There is no end point, so you can't solve the game by picking an arbitrary end point.
What does this have to do with Mitch McConnell? He had to know that Reid couldn't let the Republicans take complete control of the Third Circuit, so he had to know that his maneuver would force Reid to use the nuclear option. Therefore, he must have wanted Reid to use the nuclear option. Why? Well, we'll have to come back to that...
But Reid did it.
Harry Reid threw out the fucking rule book. He announced that the Senate rules required only a bare majority for cloture when debating court nominees below the Supreme Court, or executive branch confirmations. Is that what the actual text of the rules say? Fuck no. But, might makes right. "Might" being defined as 51 votes. Republicans "protested" (having forced Reid's hand), demanded a vote on the ruling, which passed, and now we have a post-nuclear Senate.
Of course, the fact that Reid didn't nuke the filibuster completely is why we are debating the future of the filibuster. And that's why this is a series. Stay tuned...