The OSU incident and jumping to conclusions

Just a quick post, since we know very little.  Of course, that didn't stop people from stock posts at other sites!

The initial reports were that the Ohio State attack was an "active shooter" incident.  Nope.  Guy with a car and a knife.  What kind of knife?  I actually care about that, as a knife aficionado.  A kitchen knife, from what I have read, which makes an important point about the stupidity of Ohio knife laws, which essentially make both everything and nothing legal, depending on the whims of a cop deciding whether or not to harass/arrest the person in question.  (Take a wild guess what determines that...).

Basically, the deal in Ohio is this.  It is legal to own any kind of knife, even an "automatic" knife (switchblade type things).  However, it is only legal to carry weapons that are guns.  You can openly carry guns in Ohio (not on campus, though!), but not lethal weapons that are not guns.  So, if a cop decides that your knife is a lethal weapon, you are a crook.  What makes a knife a lethal weapon rather than a handy-dandy tool?  That's entirely up to the cop.  There are also local laws that vary across the state, but at the state-level, see how problematic that is?

Anyway, in the immediate confusion, when initial reports were of an active shooter, left-leaning sites immediately put up their "we need gun control NOW NOW NOW" posts.  Of course, with no information about the individual in question, the gun in question, how he acquired it, etc., there was no way to assess whether or not those proposals would have any connection to the incident.

Right-leaning sites either went for paranoia about the government coming for your guns (yeah right, particularly now), or for fantasies about how everything would have been resolved faster if everyone had guns, not even knowing the circumstances, which could have been such that everyone pulling out guns would have just left a hail of bullets and lots of casualties.

Ah, gun control.  The issue that makes everybody lose at least 20 IQ points.

Hey, everyone!  Let's not jump to conclusions and immediately make our stock arguments every time guns possibly come into the picture.  Sometimes, there isn't even a gun involved!

It was a knife anyway.  And remember, Freddie Gray was arrested and died because the cops falsely accused him of having a switchblade.  It was an assisted-open knife, which was legal in Maryland.  Just sayin'...

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