"The seething streets of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, WA, where racism towards indigenous boys has hit a flashpoint"
This is utter BS. Resentment of criminality is not racism. Black kids are often devious criminals and are deservedly under scrutiny. And if a few whites make racist remarks that is fed by the criminality
JASSEPPIE Garlett hasn’t ridden his motorbike since Elijah Doughty was run over and killed just a few hundred metres from home on August 29. He’s clearly traumatised: he sleeps a lot, doesn’t go to school, doesn’t say much. Elijah was his best mate.
He, like the other distressed teenage Aboriginal kids of the city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and like kids the world over, has that innate thing where torpor helps heals worry.
They haven’t yet processed what happened to Elijah who, according to police, was riding a small stolen bike in a dirt park in Boulder when he was run down. They can’t fathom his death. While parents and elders talk about racism, the kids just see strangers in cars who change down gears and roar and swerve at them.
There’s a seething presence in this gold town, 600km east of Perth. The blare of a two-stroke makes certain people sit up, alert. The suspicion is whoever’s riding that bike is a black kid who stole it.
We spoke to numerous Aboriginal kids, aged between 10 and 18, who ride dirt bikes on the edges of town, and sometimes through it. All had been chased by unknown white men in vehicles; or stalked and photographed by men and women with cameras.
They’re too quick and evade their pursuers, easily. Most of the time.
“When we’re walking along or riding bikes,” says Jasseppie, “people are yelling, ‘That’s my bike, you little black c***.’ I’ve been chased a lot of times.”
From about 2011, local citizen-crimewatch Facebook sites emerged, aimed at exposing supposedly bad kids and giving people an outlet to complain about police inaction and court leniency.
By 2013, the sites had descended to unmoderated free-for-all on Aborigines. Some of the posts, usually written by people hiding behind pseudonyms, could have been datelined Mississippi, 1963.
In the lead-up to Elijah’s death, people wrote openly about killing Aboriginal kids. One site, “Kalgoorlie Crimes Whinge and Whine”, was run by a local white man, Michael Doyle, 52. It took Elijah’s death for it to be closed down.
Doyle was too ill to get out of bed when we visited his Kalgoorlie home – he’s got 10 per cent kidney function and, according to someone close to him, not long to live.
Doyle has said previously he was not responsible for what people posted; that everything was the responsibility of the author. Visitors to the pages liked to complain they had lost the freedom to speak their minds – and then freely hurled the hatred.
What he helped create got right out of control. Messages were sent in real-time, saying that certain kids were riding or walking on certain streets. Vigilantes got in their cars and searched.
A local white couple, Leigh and Dianne Smith, told of pulling up outside the Broken Hill pub in Boulder, earlier this year, to visit the TAB. Leigh said: “There were a heap of kids about. There were kids on motorbikes and this bloke came up the street swerving at them.
“This bigger kid came off his bike and hit the gutter. He was forced off the road. I thought he’d killed him. The kid said he didn’t want to go to police because they were already onto him over motorbikes. The bloke was laughing when the kid came off. I was dumbfounded.”
Leigh didn’t get a numberplate of the small blue car. The kid was covered in blood, his bike jammed under a car. He staggered off. “He was dazed and needed hospital,” says Dianne.
In May, a photo of Elijah was posted of him with his bike – his own bike – near the Johnston St flats. “Run the f***kers over,” someone wrote..
The man alleged to have killed Elijah has had his identity suppressed and will without doubt be under protective custody within WA corrections, given the Aboriginal prison population; his family has been evacuated from Kalgoorlie and the rental house they were living torched to the ground.
The decision to charge the 55-year-old with manslaughter, rather than murder, along with Aborigines being denied entry to the Kalgoorlie courthouse to attend the accused’s first appearance, created frustration and the main-street riot, with people hurling bottles and rocks.
“That day when he first went to court people went to support [Elijah’s] family,” says Debbie Carmody, manager of Tjuma Pulka Original Nations Media Corporation.
“There was great sorrow. It was quiet but it was loud and under the great sorrow was anger. Anger that he was only charged with manslaughter. Anger that two local social media sites openly encouraged racist attacks and killings on Wongi youth and that despite complaints were not closed down.”
Kyle Lynch, a 15-year-old from Kurrawang community just south-west of Kalgoorlie, a dirt-bike rider who was a mate of Elijah’s, shows me a Facebook post he saved to his phone. This captured the pitiless depths.
“Aboriginals,” he or she posted in the aftermath of Elijah’s death, “don’t deserve to live. That’s good that young boy got killed. Aboriginals don’t own Australia. Aboriginals live in the bush. They are filthy animals. They all need the death sentence.”
For some reason, Kyle has saved that message to his phone. He not sure why. He doesn’t feel all white people hate him. Maybe it’s some contemporary smartphone talisman, a reminder there’s danger.
Kyle has been stalked and photographed while riding his bike; and earlier this year, he and his cousin Thahn left the dirt and crossed over on public roads to refuel at a servo when police swooped, putting both to the ground, handcuffing them, and demanding to know where they had stolen the bike.
Aubrey Lynch, widely regarded as the Goldfields’ region senior Aboriginal leader, had paid $4000 for the Honda 250, as a gift for Kyle. He had to pay another $1000 to get it out of impoundment once police established that it was not stolen (Kyle got a three-month good behaviour bond for reckless riding and being unlicensed on the road).
“There’s some good people in this town, they’re not all racist. It’s just some,” says Lynch, who as a Justice of the Peace likes to make a point of going to people’s homes when they need documents witnessed. I suspect he enjoys the mild shock of being an Aboriginal man who can give a white person the legal authority they need.
PM set to announce US asylum seeker deal
Looks like Mr Obama is getting in before Trump takes over
THE federal government has today announced a “one-off” deal with the US to resettle asylum seekers from Manus Island and Nauru.
Under the deal, which follows talks with the US, Canada, Malaysia and New Zealand, the US will take some asylum seekers found to be refugees.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull this morning confirmed “that the government has reached a further third country resettlement arrangement for refugees presently in the regional processing centres”.
“It’s a one off,” Mr Turnbull said. “The arrangements with the United States will offer the opportunity for refugees, both on Nauru and Manus, to be resettled but I should stress that the priority is very much on the most vulnerable which are family units and, of course, they are located on Nauru.
“This agreement is built on the security of our borders.”
The arrangement is supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Refugees will need to satisfy standard requirements for admission to the US, including passing health and security checks.
Mr Turnbull said “American officials from Homeland Security (will be) coming to Australia to begin the process in the next few days”.
“We’re not setting timelines,” he said.
US authorities will conduct their own assessment of refugees and decide which people are settled in the US.
Human rights groups said the resettlement deal announcement is full of holes.
Representatives from groups including the Human Rights Law Centre and Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce told reporters in Melbourne that the US resettlement of asylum seekers from Nauru and Manus Island was a government concession that the offshore centres were “dead ends”.
“This announcement is full of holes. No time frame, no numbers, no plan for what looks like the hundreds of people who will be left behind,” HRLC director of legal advocacy Daniel Webb said.
Men shave, brush their teeth and prepare for the day at a refugee camp on the Island of Nauru. Picture: AP /Rick Rycroft.
Men shave, brush their teeth and prepare for the day at a refugee camp on the Island of Nauru. Picture: AP /Rick Rycroft.Source:AP
According to the government, settlement in Australia “will never be an option for those found to be refugees in regional processing centres nor for anyone who attempts to travel to Australia illegally by boat in the future”.
Immigration minister Peter Dutton said the government will “work hard to ... remove people back to their country of origin, or to send them to third countries, the United States”.
“I want to confirm there are other aspects to the announcement we make today,” he said.
Refugees who refuse offers of resettlement will remain in Nauru on a 20 year-visa.
“We are in final stages of negotiation with Nauru for a 20-year visa,” Mr Dutton said.
“People who are offered a settlement arrangement in the United States and refuse to take that arrangement, so this deal only applies to people who are on Nauru at the moment, prioritising women and children and family units.
“And with the prospect of providing assistance to others on Nauru and Manus and including those 370-odd people who have come from Nauru or Manus and are receiving medical attention in Australia at the moment with the intent of sending those people back to an RPC.
“That is the only application of this policy.”
He would not be drawn on how many refugees were likely to be resettled in the US.
“All I can say to you is that we have demonstrated, by the diligence and integrity of our response, we can secure Australia’s borders, we’ve demonstrated we can source and provide alternative resettlement options,” Mr Dutton said.
Mr Dutton said the agreement will “never ever apply to any prospective arrivals”. He said this was the latest step in Operation Sovereign Borders.
The announcement comes after US Secretary of State US John Kerry confirmed he has agreed to consider referrals from the UNHCR on refugees who are being detained in Australia’s offshore detention centres.
Mr Kerry told a press conference in Wellington the US was encouraging all countries to work with the UN to find a “durable solution” for the refugees. “We in the United States have agreed to consider referrals from UNHCR on refugees now residing in Nauru and in Papua New Guinea,” he said.
Mr Kerry said the issue had been a key focus of the leaders summit in New York in September.
“My sense is that we are reaching an understanding of how we may be able to deal with it,” he said.
He had been asked if the US was going to resettle refugees held in offshore detention centres, how many, whether the agreement would be conditional on Australia’s proposed lifetime ban on them ever entering Australia, and if an agreement could be overturned by President-elect Donald Trump. He said he could not answer all of those questions.
Trumpism is not a passing fad. Ignore the ‘forgotten men and women’ at your peril
The earth has shaken and the stars have realigned. A great force has arrived to rescue Western civilisation and its name is Trump, Donald J. Trump.
Example: On the ABC News Radio website, a poll asked: “How do you feel about Donald Trump’s victory as US President-elect?” Elated, concerned, terrified, confident or anxious?
The answer chosen by 49 per cent of respondents was … drum roll … “elated”, with “concerned” a distant second.
Elated about Trump’s victory! On the ABC. Amazing.
Example: Bill Leak’s feckless tormentor, Melissa Dinnison, who alleged she had suffered racial hatred from a cartoon, dropped her 18C complaint.
The Citadel cracked. The Dow Jones soared to all-time highs.
For the first time since the Left staged its “long march” through our institutions, its tools of tyranny are crumbling.
Political correctness, identity politics, cultural Marxism, victim feminism, all kryptonite to the soul of Western civilisation, are under threat.
Brexit was just the prelude to this glorious global revolution of the deplorables.
Hungarian President Viktor Orban defined Trump’s victory as “a historic event, in which Western civilisation appears to successfully break free from the confines of an ideology”.
And so, of course, the Left had a massive tantrum which exposed its ghastliness, its entitled, hate-filled, self-obsessed intolerance.
Assassination threats filled social media, including from a Guardian journalist, who promptly deleted her account. Shocked media clowns, such as the newly minted Senator Derryn Hinch, compared Trump’s victory with the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The sore losers rioted in the streets and burned Trump in effigy, chanting “Dump Trump” and “Not my President”. They blindly trashed their own patch, the cities that voted for Clinton.
They burned the flag, broke windows, smashed police cars, blocked traffic, beat up suspected Trump supporters and faked hate crimes, thus confirming the wisdom of each and every Trump vote.
If these are the people who hate Trump, then whose side are you on? My enemy’s enemy is my friend.
More confirmation that America made the right decision came from the jazz hands and trigger-warning crowd, who plunged into a state of psychic despair, dubbed Trump-ression.
American universities had to deploy therapy dogs and Play-Doh to calm the nerves of the “snowflake” generation.
Cornell University staged a “cry-in to mourn the results of the (election), with school staff providing tissues and hot chocolate,” reported The Wall Street Journal.
At the University of Michigan, fragile students comforted themselves with colouring-in books.
If this is the future of Western civilisation, no wonder Middle America revolted.
Trump derangement syndrome jumped the oceans, too, with reports of schoolchildren in Sydney bursting into tears and going home early because they’re frightened that Trump will start World War III.
Of course it’s child abuse for their parents and teachers to plant such ideas, just as they did a decade ago when they scared children witless with apocalyptic global warming prophecies.
Undeterred by its abject failure to predict anything other than a Clinton clean sweep, The Sydney Morning Herald ran an obvious hoax story from a Twitter parody account as legitimate news: “Reports from Trump Tower in New York … saw large angry groups chanting ‘We hate Muslims, we hate blacks, we want our great country back’.”
It never happened, but what better example of the degeneracy of the Western world’s prestige media, exposed by WikiLeaks and the status-seeking bias of journalists who handed debate questions to Hillary Clinton so she could cheat, cravenly sought story approval from her campaign and painted Trump as an impossible gargoyle?
“Hug your loved ones”, wrote The Australian’s Peter van Onselen, threatening to tear up his American passport. Mamamia publisher Mia Freedman wailed she was “heartsick and despondent” about the “Trumpocalypse” and urged readers to call Lifeline.
It was laughable.
But Malcolm Turnbull’s lugubrious tone when announcing Trump’s victory also signalled something more serious than the neuroses of pampered leftists: the threat Trumpism poses to establishment politicians.
Continue to ignore the “forgotten men and women” at your peril.
Never-Trumpers — represented in politics across the Left, the pointless marshmallow centre and the craven right — are shocked by the US election result because the people they unjustly dismiss as racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic bigots were silent. They didn’t express themselves to pollsters or journalists. They barely dared to put a Trump sign in their front yard or a “Make America Great Again” bumper sticker on their car.
Even in Australia friends avoided the topic for fear of social ostracism.
Only in the remaining oasis of democracy, the polling booth, did the silenced majority feel free to express themselves.
That’s what you get when you silence dissent with political correctness, when you ban speakers from university campuses, make social status dependent on virtue-signalling, traduce religious conservatives, and stack your media organisations with groupthink elitists.
Trump the Vulgarian is an unlikely saviour of Western civilisation, but Christians, who were key to his victory (over abortion, religious freedom and the Supreme Court), liken him to the Roman emperor Constantine.
Similarly a vainglorious egoist, Constantine nonetheless saved the Roman Empire, and liberated Christianity. “Constantine was no pillar of virtue, but he created the environment which gave Christians the freedom to influence society,” wrote Christian website MercatorNet.
Freedom is nigh! Drain the swamp.
Federal Government backbencher Eric Abetz has welcomed the withdrawal of a race discrimination complaint against cartoonist Bill Leak
The cartoon in question, published by News Corp in August, shows an Aboriginal man with a beer can, unable to remember his son's name, as a policeman questions him.
"Australians do love their freedom of speech even if sometimes they find it uncomfortable," Senator Abetz said after the complaint was withdrawn.
The cartoon was drawn in response to a widespread focus on the treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia's prisons, after images of abuse in Don Dale detention centre were broadcast on Four Corners in July.
After it was published, the Race Discrimination Commissioner issued a reminder on social media that those who found it upsetting had the right to complain under the Racial Discrimination Act.
A woman then lodged a complaint under section 18C of the act, which allows a person to sue if the cartoon is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate on the basis of race, colour or national or ethnic origin.
However, publications can be defended, under section 18D of the act, if they are in the course of debate on an issue in the public interest or a fair comment on any event.
Leak has previously told Lateline he was "bewildered" when he was accused of being racist, and that the Human Rights Commission complaint "stifled free speech".
The complaint was dropped on Friday.
Senator Abetz asked why the Human Rights Commission did not immediately dismiss the complaint as vexatious and said they had to answer "very quickly".
He has pointed to the $300,000 salary of the commissioner and asked whether the commission was "bleeding the taxpayer" for any "actual, useful purpose".
Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion labelled the cartoon "racist" and said he was appalled by it when it was published.
Gang of men attempt horrific early morning carjacking in Laverton North, Melbourne
As soon as I saw the above headline, I knew that the word "African" would appear in the story. I wonder why?
A DRIVER was surrounded by a gang of men before one jumped on the bonnet of his ute in an attempted carjacking this morning.
The victim was sitting in his red Ford utility in a car park in Laverton North when about five men of African appearance approached.
He locked his car doors tried to flee.
One of the men then jumped on the bonnet of the car.
Police want anyone who was in the area of Fitzgerald Rd about 5.30am, and who may have information, to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here