You may remember that State Rep. Joel Kleefisch, (R-Oconomowoc), let a wealthy donor friend draft legislative language that would relieve the friend himself of child support payments he felt were too high.
Because for Republicans in WalkerWorld, it's important not only to hold state power but to let your friends have an extra gob of their choosing.
Kleefisch withdrew the bill amid an uproar over special interest access to legislating, but the scheme is back just in time to be read along with "A Christmas Carol" in the form of high-earner child support payment rule changes that would turn over some calculation decisions to a judge.
Because the wealthy need these kinds of special considerations, or flexibility, as it's known in WalkerWorldspeak:
I'm not carrying any brief for children of wealthy parents, and Charles Dickens didn't have them precisely in mind when he made "Scrooge" synonymous with "miserly."
I'm just pointing out that in Wisconsin under Scott Walker and his one-party GOP rule, there are no limits to GOP special interest favors - - mining bills, high-volume well permits, dairy feedlot operators, tax breaks, free DNR staff time, easy loans to WEDC applicants - - the that the state will hand out to insiders or donors.
Because for Republicans in WalkerWorld, it's important not only to hold state power but to let your friends have an extra gob of their choosing.
Kleefisch withdrew the bill amid an uproar over special interest access to legislating, but the scheme is back just in time to be read along with "A Christmas Carol" in the form of high-earner child support payment rule changes that would turn over some calculation decisions to a judge.
Because the wealthy need these kinds of special considerations, or flexibility, as it's known in WalkerWorldspeak:
A state agency is seeking to reduce the amount of child support wealthy parents pay — a proposal similar to one made by a Republican lawmaker three years ago that was withdrawn amid significant pushback
Parents who earn between $300,000 and $500,000 annually would be required to pay a smaller percentage of their monthly income in child support than what current law prescribes, according to changes to how the state handles child support proposed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
I'm just pointing out that in Wisconsin under Scott Walker and his one-party GOP rule, there are no limits to GOP special interest favors - - mining bills, high-volume well permits, dairy feedlot operators, tax breaks, free DNR staff time, easy loans to WEDC applicants - - the that the state will hand out to insiders or donors.