I watched City of Milwaukee street-clearing crews work through the night plowing the streets during the recent two-day snowstorm, then pick up the trash carts as the wind chill dove below zero.
"God Bless those public employees," I said out loud, remembering how Republican politicians used these Wisconsin citizens as scapegoats for partisan gain when Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker sucker-punched them and teachers, and nurses and their unions after the 2010 election.
Recorded telling a caller whom he was duped into believing to be the rightwing oil magnate David Koch, Walker bragged that he'd "dropped the bomb" on public employees with his surprise legislative proposal to strip away virtually all their collective bargaining rights:
Now we have former Congressman and Donald Trump adviser New Gingrich a Washington Post reporter that the President-elect needs to declare "straight-out war" against federal employees:
Democracy is threatened when leaders preach war against the people.
If they want to fight something, try discrimination, hatred, disease, oppression.

"God Bless those public employees," I said out loud, remembering how Republican politicians used these Wisconsin citizens as scapegoats for partisan gain when Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker sucker-punched them and teachers, and nurses and their unions after the 2010 election.
Recorded telling a caller whom he was duped into believing to be the rightwing oil magnate David Koch, Walker bragged that he'd "dropped the bomb" on public employees with his surprise legislative proposal to strip away virtually all their collective bargaining rights:
This is an exciting time. This is — you know, I told my cabinet, I had a dinner the Sunday, or excuse me, the Monday right after the 6th. Came home from the Super Bowl where the Packers won, and that Monday night I had all of my cabinet over to the residence for dinner. Talked about what we were gonna do, how we were gonna do it. We’d already kinda built plans up, but it was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb.Walker also was recorded quietly disclosing to his largest contributor that he would move first against public employees and hit private sector union members later - - which he did when the state passed blue-collar union-suppressing 'right-to-work' legislation - - using a "divide-and-conquer" strategy.
Now we have former Congressman and Donald Trump adviser New Gingrich a Washington Post reporter that the President-elect needs to declare "straight-out war" against federal employees:
If President-elect Donald Trump takes former speaker Newt Gingrich’s advice to attack the federal bureaucracy, body armor could be needed.
“It’s got to be a straight-out war,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Friday during a Washington Post Live interview with my colleague James Hohmann.Why do these privileged officials keep attacking fellow citizens and public servants, and why do GOP leaders like Walker and Gingrich relish these militaristic metaphors?
Democracy is threatened when leaders preach war against the people.
If they want to fight something, try discrimination, hatred, disease, oppression.