The Tories just sanctioned a blind man for the "crime" of not being able to read! Alan Moody suffers from cerebellar ataxia and blindness. The DWP hit him with a benefits sanction for missing a disability denial WCA assessment that they only informed him about by letter.
Every time you hear an appalling story like this it's vital to remember that these savage Tory punishment regimes actually cost the taxpayer far more to administer than they save in reduced benefits payments.
It's been known since January 2016 that the Tory disability denial factories cost far more in corporate outsourcing fees to administer than they will ever save in reduced benefits payments.
In December 2016 a damning National Audit Office report found that the brutal Tory benefits sanctions regime also costs far more to administer than it saves in reduced benefits payments to the unemployed.
Sanctioning a blind man for the "crime" of not being able to read the letter they sent him is appalling enough in it's own right, but anyone who pays the remotest bit of attention to the Tory sanctions regime and their disability denial regime knows full well that extraordinarily unfair cases like this are all too common (see the list of examples in this article).
I'll say it again just to be clear. Every time you hear about someone who has been unfairly thrown into absolute poverty by benefits sanctions or had their disability benefits unfairly stopped by the Tory disability denial system, it's vital to remember that this savage mistreatment of vulnerable people actually costs the taxpayer money.
The Tories are so damned malicious that they see their savagely unfair sanctions and disability denial regimes as "taxpayers' money well spent".
Maybe there are some appallingly vindictive right-wingers out there who actually enjoy the thought of their tax money being spent on abusing disabled and unemployed people, but surely anyone with a shred of human decency should be absolutely outraged at the thought of their tax money being used to treat human beings in such appalling ways.
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