Wannabe Havoc-Wreaker Walker again eyes DC Havoc-Wreaking

You may remember that in the waning hours before his 71-day Presidential run was fatally wrecked by a toxic brew of wild spending and vanished polling numbers, Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker begged voters to send him to Washington where he'd "wreak havoc" because he'd already laid waste to civility and fair play in Wisconsin.

"As if that was a good thing," snarked The Washington Post on September 10th, 2015, noting Walker's bizarre bid as recorded by a reporter from Time:

 “To wreak havoc on Washington, America needs a leader with real solutions,” Walker will say. “Political rhetoric is not enough — we need a plan of action. Actions speak louder than words. I have a plan to move this country forward. To wreak havoc on Washington, America also needs a leader who has been tested. I have been tested like no one else in this race. We passed those tests and now, I am ready to lead this exceptional country. 
Eleven days later, Walker quit the race. No havoc-wreaking for you, the voters and Walker's donors said.

Walker's dream was trumped then and now by Hurricane Donald, and our Governor has been forced to watch from the sidelines as local pals Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan are getting the hands-on DC monkey-wrenching they all dreamed about since Ronald Reagan stole their hearts, but Walker is, if nothing else, persistent and is back pitching a new path to the action:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker would support a convention led by state legislatures to amend the U.S. Constitution, he told listeners in a telephone town hall last week...
A convention of the states is one of two ways the U.S. Constitution can be amended. As laid out in Article V of the Constitution, two-thirds of the country's state legislatures can call for a convention to amend the Constitution. Any amendments passed in such a convention would then have to be ratified by three-fourths of the states to take effect...
Walker noted that supporters of an Article V Convention have said it could be used to pass a balanced-budget amendment and to impose term limits on members of Congress and the judiciary.
Oh, bless those 'supporters' little self-restrained hearts, but as Walker knows, such an ALEC/Tea Party/white power inspired convention could place anything on the havoc wreaking table - - outlawing abortion, enacting national voter ID, overturning 1st amendment protections, expelling immigrants and Muslims, ending federal clean air and water oversight, and whatever else on which these federal nullifiying, states-rights constitutional conventioneers could yell "aye" as loud as "lock her up."

Granted only six states' legislatures have officially signed on to the convention call, and the entire process to strip the Constitution of enough meaning so it could be drowned in a bathtub is a long drawn out long shot - - but take nothing for granted these days.

The same people who would say 'this could never happen here' said the same thing about Donald Trump winning the GOP presidential nomination, let alone the Presidency.

For Walker, it's a career rightwing politicians dream because it solidifies his credentials with the extremist wave that is sending Trump to Washington, and it gets Walker's name in the media, too.

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