Why WI manure dumping will be more than spotty

I noted yesterday that Kewaunee County residents continue to deal with manure dumping and contaminated water from large dairy operations - - a direct result of Gov. Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' and deliberately stripped-down Department of Natural Resources that has intentionally reduced pollution inspections and enforcement actions while large-scale animal feeding factories have great increased in number, DNR data show:

Much of the efforts to reverse these harmful outcomes has been undertaken by the public-interest law form Midwest Environmental Advocates; one of its lawyers has produced a fine posting which explains the folly of DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp's belief that "spot checks" of the privatized pollution prevention plans she wants her agency to soon allow will provide public health compliance.

Spot checks = spotty enforcement - - and as we noted yesterday, those are some pretty big spots, as this photo from Wisconsin pollution central, also known as Kewaunee Count - - continues to prove:

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