The Telegraph: 2016 in review: World events that changed history
As a tumultuous year draws to a close, the Telegraph Foreign Desk looks back at some of the main events that have made headlines in the past 365 days.
From the seemingly unstoppable lone-wolf terror attacks by Islamic State extremists in France, Belgium and Germany, to the ongoing challenges of the migrant crisis, the destruction of Syria, and the rise of the populist Right in Europe, 2016 has changed large swathes of the world beyond recognition.
And that's before we've mentioned the political earthquake caused by Britain's Brexit vote in June and the decision by the American people to give former Apprentice host Donald Trump a chance to prove his worth as leader of the Free World.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 1, 2017
Thirteen Developments That Defined 2016 -- Ali Wyne, War on the Rocks
2016 in review: The best from Talk to Al Jazeera -- Al Jazeera
From Brexit to Trump, 2017 will be dominated by the decisions we made last year -- Independent editorial
Istanbul terror attack: A bloody end to a grim year for Turkey -- Nic Robertson, CNN
Turkey Faces Uphill Battle to Defeat Terrorism -- Tahir Abbas, Fair Observer
Syria: A ceasefire doesn't guarantee peace -- Kersten Knipp, DW
Syria and Yemen - gaping wounds in the Middle East -- Diana Hodali, DW
The Year That Putin Won -- Maxim Trudolyubov, Moscow Times
Is Russia Really 'Winning'? -- Emma M. Ashford, National Interest
Sanctioning Russia Is Just a Start -- Bloomberg editorial
Russia: Talking war in times of economic crisis -- Mariya Petkova, Al Jazeera
Can Britain’s monarchy survive without the queen? -- John Lloyd, Reuters
U.S.-Venezuela relations will probably deteriorate under Trump. Ask ExxonMobil why. -- Timothy M. Gill, Washington Post
Can Chinese crude demand continue to grow in 2017? -- RT
What's moved money, oil and shares in 2016? -- Andrew Walker, BBC