Who do you believe America?— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) January 6, 2017
Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Have No Clothes
At this point, pretty much everyone in America has seen the results of Hillary Clinton media pet, John Harwood’s recent Twitter poll. (see above tweet)
The significance of the above cannot be overstated. U.S. intelligence agencies, like so many other national institutions, have lost nearly all credibility in the eyes of the American public. The list is long, but includes economists, politicians, the mainstream media, central bankers, the financial system, and a lot more. The loss in credibility is well deserved and has nothing to do with Russia. Rather, it’s a function of a disastrous 21st century outcome for U.S. citizens both at home and abroad. A result that was achieved under eight years of Republican rule and then eight years of Democratic rule. The results were the same whether a donkey or elephant was in charge, because the people determining policy behind the scenes never really changed (same economists, central bankers, intelligence officials, etc), and the people selling the catastrophic policies to the public definitely never changes (mainstream media and its worthless pundits).
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WNU Editor: President-Elect Trump made it very clear in today's news conference that these leaks are coming from the U.S. intel community .... and that he will not tolerate it when he is President. And while many are criticising President-Trump that he is damaging the intelligence community .... I say that it is the reverse .... it is U.S. intel leaks to the main stream media that has damaged the intelligence community. I have never seen the U.S. intel community like this .... and I have never seen them called out as they have been in the past few weeks. I am on the outside looking in .... and what I see is a concerted effort from the main stream media to use leaks that they get from their allies in the intelligence community to delegitimise President-elect Trump .... and it is now falling apart. Calls for the U.S. intel community to release their evidence has also been road-blocked .... with top U.S. intel officials claiming that they must protect their sources and methods of getting intelligence. I think we are now beyond that .... especially since NSA leaker Edward Snowden has already revealed literally all the methods that U.S. intelligence uses to get information via through the internet. Considering how damaging this entire affair has been on the incoming Trump administration, U.S. - Russian relations, and on the U.S. intel community itself .... full disclosure and the declassification of these reports are now necessary to satisfy the U.S. public's concerns on this entire affair. My prediction .... Donald Trump will be President in 9 days, and what to do with this file will be on the top of his list. His people will be moving in .... and I am sure they are going to ask some hard questions to get to the bottom of this entire story. My hope is that they are finished they will then disclose everything .... regardless of the consequences.