Victim Leanne Nasser, an Arab Israeli.
Among those who died were 7 Saudis, 5 Turks, 4 Iraqis, 3 Jordanians, 1 Lebanese, 1 Syrian and one Arab-Israeli.
Mossad employs many Arab Moslem girls - mainly young Moroccans.
Mossad using Arab women.
In Morocco, "Nabeela recruited girls as young as 12" for Mossad.
Nabeela also recruited young Asian women.
Among those targeted by the girls are Americans.
"Nabeela used to introduce herself as an Emirati intelligence agent."
Her group has operated in Thailand.
Nabila has been linked to assassinations.
Nabeela has worked with Saudis and Turks who work for the CIA.
Some of the female Mossad agents film their targets having sex.
A German newspaper revealed that the German intelligence service provides Mossad agents with fake passports.
Mossad using Moroccan women to gather sexy secret information