Here's the prism through which I see the threat just made against the congressional ethics watchdog by Reince Priebus, who along with fellow rightwing Wisconsin politicians Scott Walker and Paul Ryan, seem at ease with presenting a less-than-menacing, 'midwestern nice' face to the world while routinely abusing other people by misusing official power.

* So Priebus is that midwestern nice mistake 2.0, who, yes, looks less menacing that the Manhattan maunder who's hired while behaving with the very arrogance that has been the signature style of the original midwestern nice mistake Scott Walker - - as did Wisconsin GOP State Senator Scott Fitzgerald ('arrest those absent Senators!').
And do not forget Wisconsin GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who openly threatened state ethics chief Kevin Kennedy before Fitzgerald, Walker and Vos wiped out Kennedy's job and non-partisan agency.
Said Vos, signaling what the GOP leadership in our nice Midwestern state eventually did:
* Now it's Priebus' turn to behave in the same, ultra-partisan, ethics-free, ends-justify-the-means-fashion, which, if media are going its job, should give the definitive lie to the idea that Wisconsin GOP pols on the national scene are just a bunch of Mr. Smith Goes To Washington fellows.
* Final thought: would it surprise you to learn that Vos and Priebus were college roommates?
Donald Trump's incoming White House chief of staff warned the director of the Office of Government Ethics on Sunday to "be careful" about criticizing Trump's handling of his business conflicts.* What better example from our state was there of power arrogated than newly-elected Governor Scott Walker, after having "dropped the bomb" on public employees and 50 years of collective bargaining later claiming for himself during his 15-second run for the President that uninformed and inaccurate media trope 'midwestern nice' to paper over his rigid, rightist and repellent record?
In a recent interview with conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, Walker addressed those concerns. “Yeah, I’m nice. I’m midwestern nice. There’s no doubt about it,” he said.Right: 'Midwestern nice' neatly papers over freezing the minimum wage at $7.25-per-hour. dog-whistled drug testing of poor people, defunding women's health clinics, green-lighting wetlands filling, enabling well-water contamination near deregulated animal feedlots, retaining offensive Native American school mascots, and rejecting federal funding for passenger rail expansion, rural broadband improvements and Medicaid services for low-income citizens.
* So Priebus is that midwestern nice mistake 2.0, who, yes, looks less menacing that the Manhattan maunder who's hired while behaving with the very arrogance that has been the signature style of the original midwestern nice mistake Scott Walker - - as did Wisconsin GOP State Senator Scott Fitzgerald ('arrest those absent Senators!').
And do not forget Wisconsin GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who openly threatened state ethics chief Kevin Kennedy before Fitzgerald, Walker and Vos wiped out Kennedy's job and non-partisan agency.
Said Vos, signaling what the GOP leadership in our nice Midwestern state eventually did:
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, says the head of Wisconsin’s elections agency “has to go.”
But Gov. Scott Walker says the issue isn’t on his radar.
Vos harshly criticized Kevin Kennedy, director and general counsel of the state Government Accountability Board, both on Tuesday at a luncheon in Madison and again Wednesday during an interview with the State Journal.
Keep an eye on that second sentence with Walker's feigned disinterest, because tot long thereafter, Vos, Fitzgerald and Walker got the deed done, with Walker apparently having gotten over over his disinterest (wink-wink):
Scott Walker signs bills dismantling GAB, overhauling campaign finance law
* Final thought: would it surprise you to learn that Vos and Priebus were college roommates?
Two of Wisconsin's top Republicans -- Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Wisconsin Rep. Robin Vos have a friendship that dates back to their days as college roommates!
In the late 1980s and early 1990s in an apartment near campus, two ambitious young UW-Whitewater students became roommates, forging a friendship that forever changed Wisconsin politics.