This graphic reveals how the Exacto bullet tracks its target and changes directions. The sniper additionally has to take into account wind, distance and even the curvature of the Earth, before pulling the trigger. DARPA has not released precise details of how its bullet moves in mid-air, but this is one way in which the technology could work.
Daily Mail: US Navy developing smart 'mini missiles' that can be fired from warships to take out swarms of enemy drones
* Will be designed to destroy approaching 'swarms' of drones and boats
* Ammunition will be able to change its course mid flight
The US Navy has revealed plans for a radical new smart 'mini missile' that can be fired from warships to take out swarms of enemy drones and boats.
Known as the Multi Azimuth Defense Fast Intercept Round Engagement System (MAD-FIRES) program, it will develop a 'medium-caliber guided projectile'.
DARPA says this will 'combine the guidance, precision, and accuracy of missiles with the speed, rapid-fire capability, and large ammunition capacity of medium-caliber bullets like 20-to-40-caliber ammunition designed to destroy lightly armored vehicles, aircraft, and personnel.'
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WNU Editor: Iran's Navy has been doing exercises where multiple boats attack a target. My guess is that this new weapon system is being developed with them in mind.