It is believed that Julian Assange was mind controlled while he was a member of the cult known as 'The Family'.
The Family was also known as the Santiniketan Park Association and the Great White Brotherhood.
The Family was also known as the Santiniketan Park Association and the Great White Brotherhood.
'The Family' beat, starved and sexually abused its children.
The cult injected its children with LSD.
'The Family' mind controlled its children, presumably on behalf of the CIA and its friends.
It is believed that 'The Family' was protected by the security services.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne
The leader of 'The Family' was Anne Hamilton-Byrne, who was born Evelyn Edwards.
Hamilton-Byrne claimed to be Jesus.
In the 1980s, police estimated that Hamilton-Byrne's fortune could be as much as $50 million.[25]
Mind control in the USA. Roger Dean Kiser-Founder of "The Whitehouse Boys", the boys of the Arthur G Dozier School. ( CHILDREN AND ADULTS.
Hamilton-Byrne's cult was based in the Lake Eildon area, near Melbourne, in Victoria in Australia.
The cult operated in the 1970s and 1980s.
Hamilton-Byrne. Mind control and child sexual abuse by the security services?
The cult had about 500 members.
It has been estimated that a quarter of the members were nurses and other medical personnel.
Children of the cult.
During the late 1960s and the 1970s, Newhaven Hospital in Kew, in Victoria, was a private psychiatric hospital owned and managed by Marion Villimek, a member of 'The Family'.
Many of its staff and attending psychiatrists were also members of The Family. [5][9][10]
It is suspected that the hospital went in for mind control.
The Family
Hamilton-Byrne claimed that an apocalyptic war was imminent and that she had a duty to collect children in preparation for a new world.
Some children were obtained through adoptions.
Some were born to cult members.
Some were handed over by sect parents.
Ben Shenton says he witnessed Hamilton-Byrne's 'favourite daughter' Sarah being beaten to a pulp.
'I was watching her being belted with a buckle and she's being beaten to the point where she's wriggling out of her clothes.
'Hearing her body smash across the balustrades - it was horrendous to know they had the power to do that and would it.'
Hamilton-Byrne was born in Sale in rural Victoria in 1921.
She barely knew her father and her mother was mentally ill.
She became a yoga teacher.
Dr Raynor Johnson
In 1963, Hamilton-Byrne met the English physicist and parapsychologist Dr Raynor Johnson.
Together they founded the sect and began to acquire children to create a 'master race'.
The sect preached a mixture of Christianity and Hinduism.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne, her husband Bill and a son.
In 1978 Anne Hamilton married William (Bill) Byrne and they took the surname Hamilton-Byrne.
In 1983 police visited the Lake Eildon property to search for a missing girl. She was not found.
In August 1987, the police rescued six children from the sect's property after two had managed to escape and alert police.
By October/November 1987, Bill and Anne Hamilton-Byrne were in Hawaii.
Detective Lex de Man
Around June 1989, detective Lex de Man wrote a report recommending that Victoria Police begin a criminal investigation into The Family.
The Age.
In June 1993, Anne and Bill Hamilton-Byrne were arrested in the Catskill Mountains, in Upstate New York.
In 1993, Anne and Bill appeared in court in Australia.
They were each fined $5000.
Anne continued to lead her followers.
Hamilton-Byrne is now 96 and living in a Melbourne nursing home.
Julian Assange was born in 1971 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Reportedly, Julian, together with his mother Claire and his half-brother, spent his childhood fleeing the father of Julian's half-brother.
That father was a member of a cult, called The Family, run by a Anne-Hamilton Byrne.
Anne-Hamilton Byrne ran her 'child-kidnapping cult' on the outskirts of Melbourne.
"Byrne dyed the stolen children’s hair blonde and fed them LSD."
(Julian Assange of WikiLeaks: “Destroyer of Worlds)
"The Santiniketan Park Association of Anne Hamilton-Byrne conditioned children with drugs, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, torture and ritual sexual abuse in order to produce subjects who bent to the will of the group’s leader."
(Wiki of the Damned)
What we are talking about is child sex slaves, produced by the CIA.
"Assange claims that Australian intelligence has advised him, and there is an apparent link between Australian intelligence and the cult."
(Wiki of the Damned)
Australian intelligence works closely with the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.
"Among those on the receiving end of the cult’s services was Lord Casey, former Governor-General of Australia and the minister in charge of overseeing the Australian intelligence service, with which Assange claims to be connected."
(Wiki of the Damned)
"Another indication of serious institutional support for the cult concerns the participation in their activities of Ronald Conway.
"One of Australia’s most prominent Catholic intellectuals, Conway appears to have engaged in molestation of children placed in his care."
(Wiki of the Damned)
Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired fourteen infants and young children between about 1968 and 1975.
Assange was born in 1971.
("Village of the Damned," meet Julian Assange)
Sarah Moore, a 'daughter' of Hamilton-Byrne, was a victim of the cult."
Unseen, Unheard, Unknown" is the book by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).
Sarah Moore alleges that Sandoz, part of the old I.G. Farben complex, provided the cult with free LSD.
Sandoz bought the family business of 'Swiss Nazi financier' Carl Lundstrom.
One of Lundstrom's endeavors is Pirate Bay which hosts WIKILEAKS, in Sweden.
Wikileaks would appear to be partly the work of the CIA and its Mossad friends?
Israel would like the world to know that it is not just the Israeli military that sometimes murders kids.
Brits and Iraqis do it too, according to Wikileaks.
And the CIA and Mossad want us to believe some rubbish in Wikileaks about the Iranians.
Only Israel "has the penetration of the Department of Defense that would allow this kind of spying."
"The fact that the supposedly damaging leaks are in fact bolstering American accusations against Iran while minimizing American complicity in Iraqi deaths leads some to believe that the leaks are in fact engineered by the Pentagon to either discredit Wikileaks, or are in conjunction with Wikileaks which is a U.S. government outfit."
(Wikileaks under doubt as “classified” documents substantiate bogus U.S. claims)
The top Zionists and the top Nazis work together.
In the mid 1950s, the charity Colonia Dignidad was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider.
Reportedly, the CIA, Mossad and the West German secret service used Colonia Dignidad for experiments involving the torture and mind control of kidnapped children.
"It was known since 1964 that the members of the commune were being subjected to torture; it was known since 1977 that political prisoners were tortured there; and the child abuse was known about since the 1970s."
Child abuse charity, CIA child torture, Colonia Dignidad.