DW: Kim Jong Nam's death hints at looming instability in North Korea
The present North Korean dictator's half-brother had stated that he had no desire to rule, but he was assassinated anyway. Is Kim Jong Un's grip on power as firm as he would have the world believe? Julian Ryall reports.
The dust has far from settled on the death of Kim Jong Nam in Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Monday, February 13, but there is a growing sense that the killing of the half-brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un reflects worsening instability in Pyongyang.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 16, 2017
Should we really be so afraid of a nuclear North Korea? -- Markus Bell and Marco Milani, The Independent
Will Kim Jong Un Declare War? South Korean Military On High Readiness After Death Of North Korean Leader’s Brother Kim Jong Nam -- Vishakha Sonawane, IBTimes
Why the killing of Kim Jong Un’s brother is a terrifying sign -- Joshua Rhett Miller, NYPost
North Korea's history of foreign assassinations and kidnappings -- BBC
Will Raqqa be site for clash of titan generals? -- Metin Gurcan, Al-Monitor
The three-headed hydra of the Middle East: The deadly interplay of Iran, Iraq and Russia leaves Trump with no promising options -- Victor Davis Hanson, Washington Times
The Two State Solution: Does Trump’s Indifference Matter? -- Jonathan Tobin, Commentary
Trump just escalated his war with the intelligence community — bigly -- Greg Sargent, Washington Post
President Trump's Boris Yeltsin Moment -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg
What does Donald Trump really think about NATO and Australia? ANALYSIS -- James Glenday, ABC News Online
Cold War redux? US-Russian missile spat in Europe -- AFP
NATO's in Crisis! (Again) -- Kori Schake, Foreign Policy
NATO survival will depend on Germany -- Fabrice Pothier, Politico
What Truly Makes a Terrorist? -- David Benson, RCW
How algorithms (secretly) run the world -- Rob Lever, AFP
Analysis: Security, a fundamental shift -- Lewis Sanders IV, DW