Inna Sidorkova, RBTH/GAZETA.RU: Battle with the Islamic State is a brutal and bitter experience
Peshmerga, the Iraqi Kurdistan military units, have played an essential role in liberating Mosul from the Islamic State.
Maj. Kawa Hussein, a Kurd battalion commander who came to Moscow for eye surgery, told about the brutal battle to free the city, where the jihadists are using child suicide bombers.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 6, 2017
The rising Islamic State threat in Central Asia -- Chicago Tribune
A Tale of Two Cities in Mosul -- David Downing, Atlantic Sentinel
Trump Isn’t Repeating Obama’s Middle East Mistakes -- Jonathan Tobin, NRO
Latest U.S. Iran Sanctions Signal New Policy Of Confrontation -- RFE
The Trump Way of Winning the War -- Caroline Glick, RCP
Trump bows to Russia again -- Max Boot, USA Today
Here’s what could sink the Trump-Putin relationship -- Josh Cohen, Reuters
Don't Take the Oil: Time to Ditch the Carter Doctrine -- Dainel Davis, National Interest
S Sudan not facing 'genocide', but violence is constant -- Zachariah Mampilly, Al Jazeera
Europeans Back Trump’s German Grievances -- Walter Russell Mead, American Interest
With this victory Romania’s protesters have truly proved their mettle -- Claudia Ciobanu, The Guardian
Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential election? -- Inside Story/Al Jazeera
Russia’s ‘crescent of instability’ spreads west --
Has Putin Poisoned Another Opponent? -- Michael Weiss, Daily Beast
With François Fillon in the Gutter, France Can Expect a Battle of Insurgents -- Vivienne Walt, Time