DW: US-Russian honeymoon over?
Fiona Clark wonders if recent statements by US President Donald Trump could mean that US-Russian relations may not be as rosy as many Russians would have hoped.
Russians had their hearts set on Donald Trump. He was the hope for a better future - the man who would re-set relations between the US and Russia - a task they believe Hillary Clinton could never achieve. But less than three weeks into the Trump era, and the Kremlin may be wishing it had kept its fingers out of the pie.
Already the Russian media has gone from "All hail President Trump" to asking whether the incumbent has fallen prey to the neocons within the Republican Party. Yes, he's still defended and praised over the way he deflected criticism of President Vladimir Putin when the latter was accused of being a killer by Fox news presenter, Bill O'Reilly,and he's reiterated his respect for the Russian leader. But his actions in these first few weeks speak loudly that little has really changed in the White House when it comes to policy.
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Update: An end to bromance: Russia’s in love with Trump, right? Not as much as you think (Danielle Ryan, Salon)
WNU Editor: From my experience .... when Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama won their elections for U.S. President, they got positive reviews from Russia .... a short honeymoon that fell apart when international issues could not be resolved amicably. In the case of President Trump .... we are witnessing the same thing. But (IMHO) the environment this time around is different .... and what has made the Kremlin hopeful is the recognition that President Trump himself has been consistent in his views towards Russian President Putin, and to Russia itself. And while it is true that there are many in President Trump's government who are hostile towards the Kremlin .... President Trump himself has been reserved and open to see what happens. This in itself is a refreshing break from the past .... and while there are no guarantees that relations will now change for the better .... this opportunity to change the dialogue should be grabbed by both leaders. I guess this probably explains why Russian President Putin is eager to sit down and talk to President Trump .... even though the guidelines for what will be specifically discussed in such a meeting have not even been formulated yet .... Russian President Putin Wants To Meet President Trump In Slovenia (February 11, 2017). This in itself is new .... past meetings with U.S. and Russian Presidents were always discussed and choreographed waaayyyy before the leaders met .... but with Trump we are seeing something that is rare .... Putin is willing (and eager) to throw out protocol. He is doing a "Hail Mary" pass .... and if I was an adviser to President Trump, I would be telling him that he should take it.