Having failed to win the GOP Presidential nomination or a post in the Donald Trump administration where even debate bumbler and bad dancer Rick Perry scored a key cabinet post, WI right-wing Gov. and Kohl's secret shopper Scott Walker has defaulted to running hard for another four years of taxpayer-paid mansion housing, free travel, unlimited time off and $12,000+ monthly checks.
His bid for a third term, however, means executing a substantial set of pivots, as they say in the trade these says, to make voters forget that in his previous budgets he'd inflicted on the people massive cuts to education, tax-increases on low-income workers and obstruction to rural broadband expansion - - just to mention a few.
So Walker has already signaled that his next budget will include some new spending on education, some new spending on rural broadband services, and some givebacks of the tax increases inflicted on lower-income workers.
Still unresolved: the fiscal and physical mess that are Wisconsin's highways.
Will Trump write Walker a stimulus check he can cash to fill the potholes and keep the Southeastern Wisconsin so-called Freeway plan from turning to a half-century of zipper lanes and double the rush hour congestion delays?
And to further distract voters from these pivots and problems, Walker has gone to war on Twitter, Trump-style, against US Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin - - also on the '18 ballot - - for announcing in advance her opposition to Trump's US Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.
Hoping that you will forget that Walker's party, including GOP US Senator-without-a-record Ron Johnson, wouldn't even give Barack Obama's nominee to the same Supreme Court seat a hearing and a vote to ensure a nomination for what turned out to be GOP President Trump.
His bid for a third term, however, means executing a substantial set of pivots, as they say in the trade these says, to make voters forget that in his previous budgets he'd inflicted on the people massive cuts to education, tax-increases on low-income workers and obstruction to rural broadband expansion - - just to mention a few.
So Walker has already signaled that his next budget will include some new spending on education, some new spending on rural broadband services, and some givebacks of the tax increases inflicted on lower-income workers.
Still unresolved: the fiscal and physical mess that are Wisconsin's highways.
Will Trump write Walker a stimulus check he can cash to fill the potholes and keep the Southeastern Wisconsin so-called Freeway plan from turning to a half-century of zipper lanes and double the rush hour congestion delays?
And to further distract voters from these pivots and problems, Walker has gone to war on Twitter, Trump-style, against US Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin - - also on the '18 ballot - - for announcing in advance her opposition to Trump's US Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.
Hoping that you will forget that Walker's party, including GOP US Senator-without-a-record Ron Johnson, wouldn't even give Barack Obama's nominee to the same Supreme Court seat a hearing and a vote to ensure a nomination for what turned out to be GOP President Trump.