John R. Schindler, Observer: The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins
Intelligence Community pushes back against a White House it considers leaky, untruthful and penetrated by the Kremlin.
In a recent column, I explained how the still-forming Trump administration is already doing serious harm to America’s longstanding global intelligence partnerships. In particular, fears that the White House is too friendly to Moscow are causing close allies to curtail some of their espionage relationships with Washington—a development with grave implications for international security, particularly in the all-important realm of counterterrorism.
Now those concerns are causing problems much closer to home—in fact, inside the Beltway itself. Our Intelligence Community is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust.
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WNU Editor: The intelligence community telegraphed their hostility towards Donald Trump during the election campaign and during the transition .... President-Elect Trump Responds To CIA Chief Brennan's Warnings And Criticisms (January 15, 2017) .... the fact that they are continuing this with him as a President should surprise no-one. My prediction .... there is going to be house-cleaning of the intelligence community in the coming months .... how wide and how fast is something that we do not know yet .... but blow-back to these impending changes is now becoming intense. As to allegations NSC adviser Michael Flynn mislead the White House .... this story has been making the rounds of Washington for the past month .... but his critics (and NSC Michael Flynn has many of them in the intel community because he has definitely been critical of them) need to do more than just citing citing anonymous sources and their opinions of him. As to what is my take .... if Michael Flynn had lied to the President, Vice President, and to the White House .... he would have been fired a few days ago. The fact that he is still around tells me that this story is a non-story .... but we shall see.