Along with the agency's Great Lakes climate science web page and earlier global warning material scrubbing, Scott Walker's anti-science Department of Natural Resources "chamber of commerce mentality" top management has also deleted several climate science web pages from the children's education resource program known as EEK, including a teachers' activity guide and K-12 information, here.
Those links bring up the dreaded "Page Not Found - - the Web page that you are looking for is no longer on the server. Please check the page location. If you had this page bookmarked, please remove the bookmark from your browser."
Still on the DNR website, however - - so you might want to save this post and all the useful links - - is this information-rich about tree planting as a climate change antidote: Most of the links are external to the DNR, but information distribution can still be performed by this agency even as it scrubs pages and will lose its popular magazine and tens of thousands of satisfied customers if Scott Walker gets his way.

Example of free seedlings available from the state nursery; 3-year old white spruce

Youngsters help plant street trees in Sparta.
Those links bring up the dreaded "Page Not Found - - the Web page that you are looking for is no longer on the server. Please check the page location. If you had this page bookmarked, please remove the bookmark from your browser."
Still on the DNR website, however - - so you might want to save this post and all the useful links - - is this information-rich about tree planting as a climate change antidote: Most of the links are external to the DNR, but information distribution can still be performed by this agency even as it scrubs pages and will lose its popular magazine and tens of thousands of satisfied customers if Scott Walker gets his way.
Youth and school planting projects
Example of free seedlings available from the state nursery; 3-year old white spruce
Take action! Motivate kids to plant trees as a classroom or community project.
- Free seedlings for all Wisconsin fourth graders
- Free seedlings for forestry promotions or educational events [PDF]
- Seedlings for youth groups, FFA, 4-H, vocational agriculture students
Climate change lesson plans
Motivate students! Bring climate change concepts and activities into your classroom.
- Fourth grade lesson plan from LEAF [PDF] (For fourth graders – LEAF)
- Lesson plans for teens [exit DNR] (For teens – National Wildlife Federation)
- Climate change activities and lessons [exit DNR] (For multiple ages – Canadian Forestry Association)
- Polar bear lesson plans from Polar Bear International [exit DNR]
- A National Wildlife Federation powerpoint [exit DNR] discussing tips for talking to students about global warming and polar bears, as well as the Arctic Educator's Guide (Arctic Educator’s Guide – National Wildlife Federation)
Climate change activities
Reduce your carbon footprint!
- Climate Change through Tree Planting [PDF] (fourth grade)
- Planting Trees Activity Booklet [exit DNR] (ages 9 and up)
- Climate change activity guide (grades 7-12)
- Schoolyard Habitats (U.S. Fish and Wildlife) [exit DNR]: (All ages)
- Community Action Projects GreenWorks! (Project Learning Tree) [exit DNR]
Climate change information
Be informed! Learn what’s happening with climate change.
Youngsters help plant street trees in Sparta.
- Climate Change Awareness Toolkit [exit DNR]
- How trees fight climate change [exit DNR]
- Wisconsin's historical climate trends (1950 - 2006) and future projections (1980 - 2055) [exit DNR]
- How to plant trees to conserve energy [exit DNR]
- A PowerPoint presentation on global warming [exit DNR]
- How climate change could affect Wisconsin's forests [Video]
Carbon calculators
Calculate your impact! Carbon sequestration is the process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees through photosynthesis and stored as carbon in biomass (branches, foliage, roots) and soils.
- National Tree Benefit Calculator [exit DNR]: Discover the benefits of individual trees around your home and in your community
- Household Emissions Calculator [exit DNR] and kids' calculator [exit DNR]: What is your family's impact?