Lerina Garcia.

In 2008, Lerina Garcia, aged 41, related that she had woken up one morning to find that the world around her had changed.

Lerina Garcia: Did She Wake Up In Another Universe?

Lerina concluded that she had awoken in a parallel universe - a world in which her life had been altered by small decisions of her past.

The first change that she noticed was that the sheets on her bed were different.

She wrote: "When I got to my office, it was not my office.

"It had names on the door, and mine was not there. I thought I had the wrong floor, but no, it was mine.

"I got off at the wireless area of my office and I looked, still working here but it was in another department reporting to a director I didn’t know."

Art photography by Stewart Baillie.

Lerina Garcia's ID, and her house, and even 'yesterday's top news headlines', were the same.

Other personal details were not the same. 

For example, Lerina remembered her sister having had surgery on her arm, but the rest of her family, including her sister, remembered no such thing.

Lerina found herself still with her ex-boyfriend, who she remembered leaving many months before. 

Her new boyfriend, Augustin, was gone altogether.

Lerina Garcia: Did She Wake Up In Another Universe?

In Quantum Physics, a particle has no fixed position - most of the time.

According to some scientists, the mind decides on the position of any particle.


In a certain state of mind, you find yourself being in a pleasant place and meeting pleasant people.

In a different state of mind, you find yourself in an unpleasant place and meeting unpleasant people.

This is certainly what happens in dreams.

"There would be a range of universes...

"So in one universe, you took that job to China.

"In another, perhaps you were on your way and your plane landed somewhere different, and you decided to stay."

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence.


Max Loughan says: "God is energy that created us, lives within us, moves through us and is us."


Max Loughan talks about different dimensions.

Jack and Max Loughan

"Lerina Garcia's new boyfriend, Augustin, was gone altogether."

According to some scientists, it is our mind that creates matter.

If we get our mind into the right state-of-mind, by being unselfish, kind, humble and flexible, then we can tune into a 'higher self' or Tao or Holy Spirit, and then everything goes better.


In the film Groundhog Day, Bill Murray is a grumpy TV weatherman who covers an annual Groundhog Day holiday event.

He finds himself apparently repeating the same day over and over again.

Then he begins to re-examine his life and priorities.

He starts to befriend people, help strangers and enjoy life.

He stops being grumpy.

According to some scientists, parallel universes can interact.

There is a 'leakage of memory'.

Groundhog Day: Time Loop or Parallel Universe?

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