On climate change, Trump & Walker far behind what people want

Right-wing WI GOP Governor Scott Walker's Department of Natural Resources has scrubbed climate change information and links from official state web pages, and Donald Trump wants to drastically reduce climate change science and work carried out by the US EPA and other federal agencies
Smoke stacks from a factory.
but the general public's concerns and awareness about the changing climate are way ahead of both these special-interest driven politicians, according data published by The New York Times today:
A majority of adults in every congressional district in the nation support limiting carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal-fired power plants. But many Republicans in Congress (and some Democrats) agree with President Trump, who this week may move to kill an Obama administration plan that would have scaled back the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Nationally, about seven in 10 Americans support regulating carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants – and 75 percent support regulating CO2 as a pollutant more generally. But lawmakers are unlikely to change direction soon.

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