Lest you had any doubt when you first read about it, right-wing WI Gov. and corporate tool Scott Walker's DNR will approve the conversion of a pristine wooded wetland into a frac sand mine:

The Department of Natural Resources has given tentative approval to construct an industrial sand plant in western Wisconsin — a project that would cause the biggest loss of wetlands by a single sand development in almost a decade.Another fat middle finger pointed by Team Waker at this basic truth about our disappearing Wisconsin birthright:
"A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist. Our navigable waters are a precious natural heritage, once gone, they disappear forever," wrote the Wisconsin Supreme Court in its 1960 opinion resolving Hixon v. PSC and buttressing The PublicTrust Doctrine, Article IX of the Wisconsin State Constitution.