Sir Martin Sorrell is impressive.

He once told me about enduring a primitive airoplane flight in Burma, all in the name of getting business for his firm.

Sorrell says that President Donald Trump is "heavily engaged" with business, making a dramatic change from the Obama administration which was "dismissive" of the community.

Obama was 'dismissive' of business, Trump is more engaged

Sorrell is married to Cristiana Falcone [24][25]

Sorrell was previously married to the American-born[24] Sandra Finestone, with whom he has three sons.

Sorrell's three sons, Mark, Jonathan and Robert all went to work for Goldman Sachs.


Sir Martin Sorrell is the boss of WPP, the multinational advertising and public relations company, which has its registered office on the island of Jersey.

Sorrell was born in London to a Jewish family, whose ancestors came from Russia, Poland and Romania.[4] 

Sorrell's father, Jack, was a first-generation Jewish immigrant, whose ­own parents came from what is now Ukraine.

Martin Sorrell of WPP -

"Described as 'The Bilderberg of Advertising' by the Guardian, #WPPStream is the WPP (un)conference hosted by Sir Martin Sorrell (CEO, WPP) and Israeli investor Yossi Vardi." 

Sorrell has been a member of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, reportedly.

The 2005 Trilateral Commission Membership List

When WPP bid for Ogilvy Group in 1989, David Ogilvy called Sorrell an 'odious little shit'. 

In 2007, Sorrell sued two former Italian business associates because of a blogpost describing Sorrell and a ­colleague as "the mad dwarf and the nympho schizo". 

In 2005, when Sorrell and his first wife Sandra divorced, Sandra accused Sorrell of having 'marginalised' and 'dehumanised' her.

Martin Sorrell of WPP -

In 2008, Sorrell married Cristiana Falcone, an Italian whom he met at the World Economic Forum.


So, how important is Sir Martin Sorrell?

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