U.S. Navy SEAL Unit Reprimanded For Flying Trump Flag

Virginia-Pilot: Virginia Beach-based special warfare unit reprimanded for flying Trump campaign flag, Navy says

Members of a Virginia Beach-based special warfare unit have been reprimanded for flying a Donald Trump campaign flag from a Humvee during training in Kentucky, a Navy spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Lt. Jacqui Maxwell said in an email that members of Naval Special Warfare Group Two were found to have “violated the spirit and intent” of Defense Department regulations that guide the flying of flags and “the apparent endorsement of political activities” after they were seen flying a blue flag from the lead vehicle in a convoy driving near Fort Knox, Ky., in January.

Images quickly spread across social media and several news outlets, including the Louisville Courier-Journal, picked them up.

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Update: Navy Special Warfare forces punished for flying Trump flag (Navy Times)

WNU Editor: What's their punishment .... they don't say .... but I would punish them by making them pay the next round of beer at the bar.

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