When right-wing WI Gov. Scott Walker tweeted this threat last night Trump-style:
it had less to do with his budget and everything to do with his 2018 election bid during which he cling to his Koch brothers inspired 'no tax increases, ever' talking point pledge - - though let's not forget he already violated it, according to the Journal Sentinel and non-partisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau:

Let's be clear. I don't support spending less on K-12 education than what's in my budget and I will veto a gas tax increase.
But what about his 2011-"13 budget?
It included some tax cuts, but also tax increases.
That"s according to the nonpartisan state Legislative Fiscal Bureau, which both parties have long cited as a neutral scorekeeper on budget matters.
The bureau determined that Walker included three tax increases in the budget totaling $49.4 million over the two-year period.