Alex Jones's job is to get people scared, so that they turn to the right-wing leaders for protection?
The purpose of Operation Gladio is to get people scared, so they turn to the right-wing leaders for protection.
Alex Jones's job is to disrupt and divide the 'truth movement'?
Alex Jones's job is to disrupt and divide the 'truth movement'?
Above, we see Alex Jones 'with his Blackwater mercenary bodyguard Quentin Carter.'

David Seaman promoted the above photo which pretends to show Obama at Comet Pizza. In fact the photo shows Obama in the White House.
Alex Jones says:
Alex Jones reveals that at 16...

Alex Jones says:
He is not entirely closed off to the idea that Earth is controlled by a race of inter-dimensional lizard people.

Speaking to Donald Trump, Alex Jones said that Donald Trump was a leader in a 'war for the soul of this country' against 'globalists who want to have a world government.'
The Invisible Empire of Alex Jones.
Kurt Nimmo, a former editor of Alex Jones', now condemns Alex Jones. Alex Jones' Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman - Alternet
"Alex Jones' mother testified in court on Friday, April 21st, saying in part that Infowars is a 'family business' and that she and Alex Jones' father are both heavily involved in all aspects of the Infowars operation.
"Since Alex Jones has already stated in the past that both of his parents were/are C.I.A. operatives, this admission from Alex Jones' mother constitutes direct proof that Infowars is in fact a covert U.S. Govt. intelligence operation."
Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family.
Alex Jones works for that faction of the elite that supports Donald Trump.
The people who endorse Donald Trump include Dick Cheney (9 11), Donald Rumsfeld (9 11), James Woolsey (CIA), Michel Ledeen (Gladio) and Michael Aquino (mind control).
Michael Aquino's psyop book is called MINDWAR.
Alex Jones' site is called INFOWARS.
Alex Jones belongs to the 'alt-right'.
UFOs are described in the bible and in Jones' words: "Giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it."
Humans have been genetically engineered by aliens - Zecheria Sitchin-style.
Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family.

Alex Jones's job is to get people scared.
"One effect of keeping individuals in a constant state of heightened fear is that it makes them more suggestible; it's a widely utilized brain washing technique.
The Strange Relationship of Infowars' Alex Jones, Donald Trump and Roger Stone
"Alex Jones is a man who cries freedom of speech and then supports a presidential candidate (Trump) who supports closing down parts of the internet to achieve his objectives.
Alex Jones is allegedly close to a lady called Erika Wulff.
David Seaman promoted the above photo which pretends to show Obama at Comet Pizza. In fact the photo shows Obama in the White House.
"Neither Mr. Alefantis, nor his restaurant Comet Ping Pong, were involved in any human trafficking."
Alex Jones Apologizes For Pizzagate Coverage

Alex Jones Apologizes For Pizzagate Coverage
Alex Jones says:
"When I was 16 ... I'd already been in ... all the big rituals.
"When I was 16 ... I'd already been in ... all the big rituals.
"I'd already had ... probably 150 women, or more, that's conservative.
"I'd already had over 150 women. I'd already been in fights with full-grown men.
"I was already dating college girls by the time I was 15-years-old. I was already a man at 16."
Alex Jones reveals that at 16...
He is not entirely closed off to the idea that Earth is controlled by a race of inter-dimensional lizard people.
Kurt Nimmo, a former editor of Alex Jones', now condemns Alex Jones. Alex Jones' Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman - Alternet
"Since Alex Jones has already stated in the past that both of his parents were/are C.I.A. operatives, this admission from Alex Jones' mother constitutes direct proof that Infowars is in fact a covert U.S. Govt. intelligence operation."

Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family.
The people who endorse Donald Trump include Dick Cheney (9 11), Donald Rumsfeld (9 11), James Woolsey (CIA), Michel Ledeen (Gladio) and Michael Aquino (mind control).
Michael Aquino's psyop book is called MINDWAR.
Alex Jones' site is called INFOWARS.
Alex Jones belongs to the 'alt-right'.
Alex Jones.
Michael Collins Piper has explained that the alt-right is a tool of the Zionists.
"It is critical to the Zionist cause to generate more anger among Americans toward the Muslim world.
"In the wake of this, the Zionist movement has energized its efforts to further infiltrate and manipulate the American nationalist movement."
Jared Taylor's “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”.

At Prison Planet and InfoWars, we currently read criticism of the USA for not supporting Israel and its policy of Jewish settlements.
Michael Collins Piper has explained that the alt-right is a tool of the Zionists.
"It is critical to the Zionist cause to generate more anger among Americans toward the Muslim world.
"In the wake of this, the Zionist movement has energized its efforts to further infiltrate and manipulate the American nationalist movement."
Jared Taylor's “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”.
At Prison Planet and InfoWars, we currently read criticism of the USA for not supporting Israel and its policy of Jewish settlements.
Di$info Jone$ ( Alex Jones ) Lets his Hasbara Slip Once Again.
(The UN Security Council voted 14-0 to pass Resolution 2334, which demands an immediate end to Israel’s “illegal” settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territories.)

Alex Jones's job is to appeal to 'alternative' thinkers.
According to Alex Jones:
(The UN Security Council voted 14-0 to pass Resolution 2334, which demands an immediate end to Israel’s “illegal” settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territories.)
Alex Jones's job is to appeal to 'alternative' thinkers.
According to Alex Jones:
UFOs are described in the bible and in Jones' words: "Giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it."
Humans have been genetically engineered by aliens - Zecheria Sitchin-style.
Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family.
Alex Jones's job is to get people scared.
"One effect of keeping individuals in a constant state of heightened fear is that it makes them more suggestible; it's a widely utilized brain washing technique.
The Strange Relationship of Infowars' Alex Jones, Donald Trump and Roger Stone
"Alex Jones is a man who cries freedom of speech and then supports a presidential candidate (Trump) who supports closing down parts of the internet to achieve his objectives.
"Alex Jones is a man who reported widely on and derided the CIA for their extraordinary rendition and torture program and now supports a presidential candidate (Trump) who extolls the virtues of torture and thinks the U.S. needs to go even further in its use of it."
In a 2013 interview with Howard Stern, Alex Jones described how he has been seen as an Israeli agent because he was married to a woman of Jewish heritage and had children of Jewish heritage.
Trump supporter Paul Joseph Watson denies Jewish influence anywhere in the world.
Alex Jones plays limited hangout and defends freemasonry.
Donald Trump would allow Israel to bomb Iran and wants to allow the Israelis to kick the Palestinians off their land.
Alex Jones plays limited hangout and defends freemasonry.
Donald Trump would allow Israel to bomb Iran and wants to allow the Israelis to kick the Palestinians off their land.
The ‘Alt Right’ is Limited Hangout
"Stratfor and Infowars are located just blocks apart in Austin, Texas."
Stratfor is an Israeli intelligence operation,

Stratfor is an Israeli intelligence operation,
"A former Stratfor intern named Molly Maroney ... is now editor of Infowars magazine."
"The British documentary Secret Rulers of the World, which followed Alex during his alleged infiltration of Bohemian Grove, was written and directed by the Jewish Jon Ronson."
Alex Jones

Alex and former wife Kelly Rebecca
Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four Jewish sponsors and advertisers who financially support his radio show and websites.
Alex Jones' radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein.

Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is employed as a CIA private contractor by Dell (previously by IBM).
Her brother Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995.
Alex and former wife Kelly Rebecca
Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four Jewish sponsors and advertisers who financially support his radio show and websites.
Alex Jones' radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein.
Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is employed as a CIA private contractor by Dell (previously by IBM).
Her brother Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995.
Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo, and butterflies.
Alex Jones has divorced his wife.
Above, we see divorcee Alex Jones with Lee Ann McAdoo at an Infowars Halloween party. Twitter page.

Close friends Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones.
Jones' divorce settlement involved a number of sex addiction counselors

"In light of the supposed allegations of former Infowars employees of adultery [VIII], rumours of gay goings on, Jones' circle of degenerate Hollywood friends, and Jones’ frequent on-air boastings of his sexual prowess (which he chalks up to the herbal supplements he sells, no doubt), perhaps there is something to this...
Close friends Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones.
Jones' divorce settlement involved a number of sex addiction counselors
"In light of the supposed allegations of former Infowars employees of adultery [VIII], rumours of gay goings on, Jones' circle of degenerate Hollywood friends, and Jones’ frequent on-air boastings of his sexual prowess (which he chalks up to the herbal supplements he sells, no doubt), perhaps there is something to this...
"Perhaps the affair occurred between Jones and a man.
"Director/screenwriter Richard Linklater, a Texas-based film writer ... chose Jones for his 2006 animated science fiction thriller A Scanner Darkly, featuring Keanu Reeves (the movie, like many in Hollywood, displays Illuminati symbolism).
"In 2001, Linklater featured Jones in his Ethan Hawke movie Waking Life."
Is TV show host Montel Williams correct that Jones is a cocaine-addicted con artist who radicalizes people to commit terrorist acts?
Alex Jones all Koched up!
Millionaire Alex Jones’ mysterious Dogwood Creek home
Alex Jones pulls the Goldman over the sheeple’s eyes
Alex Jones’ Jewish handler at Emmis promotes Hicks meme
Alex Jones using hypnosis, subliminals, and NLP on audience
Did the CIA recruit Alex Jones through the John Birch Society?
COINTELPRO caught setting up strawman attacks against Alex Jones
Stratfor had two Alex Joneses
Alex Jones creating bogus stories to circumvent Stratfor revelations
Parallels between Alex Jones and CIA front National Review
Alex Jones, freemasonry, and the cult of Constitution
Alternative media continues to ignore Alex Jones’ Stratfor connections
Learned helplessness through the alternative media
False opposition Mark Dice returns to the InfoWhores fold
Hypocrite Alex Jones as fake as Obama when crying
Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?
Alex Jones follows in the footsteps of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Millionaire Alex Jones’ mysterious Dogwood Creek home
Alex Jones pulls the Goldman over the sheeple’s eyes
Alex Jones’ Jewish handler at Emmis promotes Hicks meme
Alex Jones using hypnosis, subliminals, and NLP on audience
Did the CIA recruit Alex Jones through the John Birch Society?
COINTELPRO caught setting up strawman attacks against Alex Jones
Stratfor had two Alex Joneses
Alex Jones creating bogus stories to circumvent Stratfor revelations
Parallels between Alex Jones and CIA front National Review
Alex Jones, freemasonry, and the cult of Constitution
Alternative media continues to ignore Alex Jones’ Stratfor connections
Learned helplessness through the alternative media
False opposition Mark Dice returns to the InfoWhores fold
Hypocrite Alex Jones as fake as Obama when crying
Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?
Alex Jones follows in the footsteps of Vladimir Zhirinovsky