Alleged attacker Karim Cheurfi aka Abu Yusuf al-Baljiki.
One police officer reportedly died.
The CIA's ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, which may be designed to help Marine Le Pen, who reportedly has connections to Mossad.
Paris attack could help Marine Le Pen - / Rita Katz on Twitter.

The alleged attacker "had a criminal record for violent robberies and a shooting in 2001, in which he shot two police officers."

LEFT - Karim Cheurfi aka Abu Yusuf al-Baljiki. RIGHT - Youssef El Osri.
Associated Press has identified the attacker as 39-year-old French-born Karim Cheurfi.
After the shooting, an arrest warrant was issued for a second suspect who had arrived in France by train from Belgium.[19][20]
Karim Cheurfi, who was born in Livry-Gargan and lived in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne.
A witness, named Chelloug, told Sky News he heard six shots after a man armed with a Kalashnikov rifle parked his Audi behind a police vehicle.
"I thought they were firecrackers. In fact, he was hidden behind the van and shooting at the police. I think he hit a policeman. As soon as the policeman opened the door of the van, he fell," the witness said.
Witnesses reported seeing dozens of officers at the scene, while helicopters circled above.
France is having an election (April-May 2017).

According to reports:
At around 9pm, a car, an Audi, pulled up next to a police van, which was stopped at a red light.
A man got out of the Audi and started firing into the van.
The shooter then attempted to flee the scene on foot, but was shot and killed by other responding officers. [6][9]
Investigators initially said the incident may have been related to a robbery [12].
The shooter then attempted to flee the scene on foot, but was shot and killed by other responding officers. [6][9]
Investigators initially said the incident may have been related to a robbery [12].
However, an anti-terror investigation was later launched.[5]
According to France 2 news, the shooter was taken into custody recently and interrogated.

Champs-Élysées 20 April 2017.
Champs-Élysées 20 April 2017.
The alleged attacker "had a criminal record for violent robberies and a shooting in 2001, in which he shot two police officers."
"He was in custody, when he shot the police officers in 2001."
"He was convicted of shooting the police officers in 2001 and sentenced to 20 years in prison, but was released early."
LEFT - Karim Cheurfi aka Abu Yusuf al-Baljiki. RIGHT - Youssef El Osri.
Associated Press has identified the attacker as 39-year-old French-born Karim Cheurfi.
After the shooting, an arrest warrant was issued for a second suspect who had arrived in France by train from Belgium.[19][20]
A witness, named Chelloug, told Sky News he heard six shots after a man armed with a Kalashnikov rifle parked his Audi behind a police vehicle.
"I thought they were firecrackers. In fact, he was hidden behind the van and shooting at the police. I think he hit a policeman. As soon as the policeman opened the door of the van, he fell," the witness said.
Witnesses reported seeing dozens of officers at the scene, while helicopters circled above.
The original Emmanuel Macron.
The candidates are:
Hamon and Sanders.
'Penelope-gate' is an investigation into whether Fillon's Welsh-born wife held a well-paid government job but didn’t actually work.
4. Emmanuel Macron - En Marche! (Let's Go!) party.
France has a two-round system of voting.
1. Benoît Hamon - Socialist Party.
Hamon likes Bernie Sanders.
Hamon is a socialist.
Hamon supports a Palestinian state.

2. François Fillon - Republican party.
He is a wealthy conservative.
He is involved in a corruption scandal.
Fillon is a friend of Putin.

Le Pen and her lover Louis Aliot, whose grandfather was Jewish.
3. Marine Le Pen - National Front party.
Le Pen and her lover Louis Aliot, whose grandfather was Jewish.
3. Marine Le Pen - National Front party.
She is very pro-Israel.
She likes Trump.
She blames Moslems for terrorism.

Macron (left)
Macron (left)
4. Emmanuel Macron - En Marche! (Let's Go!) party.
He denies having a gay affair.
He is a multi-millionaire.
He has been compared to Tony Blair.
He is a former Rothschild banker.
"As the minister of economy, he facilitated the sale of big French companies to American corporations," Republicans party lawmaker Nicolas Dhuicq has said.
"As the minister of economy, he facilitated the sale of big French companies to American corporations," Republicans party lawmaker Nicolas Dhuicq has said.
Ex-French Economy Minister Macron Could Be 'US Agent'.

Mathieu Gallet, with whom Macron is alleged to be having a gay affair.
Mathieu Gallet, with whom Macron is alleged to be having a gay affair.
France has a two-round system of voting.
It has been predicted that Macron will win in the second round.
Emmanuel Macron (39) is alleged to be having a gay affair with Radio France boss Mathieu Gallet (40).
The French tend to be tolerant of 'affairs' and of 'bisexuality'.

Macron and Brigitte Trogneux, who is in her sixties.
Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux who is 24 years older than him.
Trogneux has three children from a previous marriage.
When Macron was aged 15, Trogneux was his teacher at La Providence, a Jesuit high school in Amiens.
The Russian state news agency Sputnik has made allegations that Macron is backed by a gay lobby.
French MP Nicolas Dhuicq, of the conservative Republican Party, said of Macron: "Concerning his private life, it is becoming known….He is supported by a rich, gay lobby."
Read more: dailymail.

5. Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Mélenchon has called for the mass redistribution of wealth to rectify existing socioeconomic inequalities.[22]
Emmanuel Macron (39) is alleged to be having a gay affair with Radio France boss Mathieu Gallet (40).
The French tend to be tolerant of 'affairs' and of 'bisexuality'.
Macron and Brigitte Trogneux, who is in her sixties.
Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux who is 24 years older than him.
Trogneux has three children from a previous marriage.
When Macron was aged 15, Trogneux was his teacher at La Providence, a Jesuit high school in Amiens.
The Russian state news agency Sputnik has made allegations that Macron is backed by a gay lobby.
French MP Nicolas Dhuicq, of the conservative Republican Party, said of Macron: "Concerning his private life, it is becoming known….He is supported by a rich, gay lobby."
Read more: dailymail.
5. Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Mélenchon has called for the mass redistribution of wealth to rectify existing socioeconomic inequalities.[22]
Domestic policies proposed by Mélenchon include a 100 per cent income tax on all French nationals earning over 360,000 Euros a year, full state reimbursement for healthcare costs, a reduction in presidential powers in favour of the legislature, and the easing of immigration laws.[23]
He also supports the legalisation of cannabis.[24]
Mélenchon is an outspoken critic of the European Union (EU), which he claims has been corrupted through neoliberalism.[25]
Mélenchon is an outspoken critic of the European Union (EU), which he claims has been corrupted through neoliberalism.[25]
During his 2012 campaign, Mélenchon positioned himself against the trend towards economic globalisation, which he denounced as disproportionately profiting the financial industry and "high income earners" at the expense of the poor.[25]
He insisted international organisations such as the EU threatened to "strangle the voice of the people".[26]
He also supports a renegotiation of European treaties.[27]
Mélenchon opposes the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which he perceives as an affront to France's national sovereignty.[26] He has repeatedly called for France to withdraw from NATO.[26]

'Mossad agent' Roger Auque and his daughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen
Marion Maréchal Le Pen is a Front National (FN) member of the French parliament.
She is a granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, and a niece of Marine Le Pen.
Marion's birth father is Roger Auque, a spy and journalist who died in September 2014.[9]
Roger Auque was an agent of Mossad.
Roger Auque wrote In The Secret Service, in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.
Révélations: Le père de Marion Maréchal-Le Pen . / The Israeli agent.
Roger Auque said: "The Israeli intelligence services paid me to complete certain missions, such as secret missions in Syria under the cover of a reporter."
The Israeli agent.

Marine Le Pen once said: "In matters of ballot stuffing, we could not do better than France."
Marine Le Pen has blamed the false flag attacks in France on the enemies of Israel.
There is a belief that politicians such as Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are pawns of Israel, and their job is to divert attention away from the fact that Israel is the bad guy.
Le Pen makes friends with the Jewish media.
Some of Marine Le Pen's European colleagues have formed alliances with, and visited, some Israeli settlers and groups.
Marine Le Pen says that her National Front party "has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel's right to exist".
International politics

The mother of Marine Le Pen was a Playboy bunny!

Of course, Le Pen, if elected, might appoint a cabinet made up of people from Goldman Sachs and Exxon Mobil.

He also supports a renegotiation of European treaties.[27]
Mélenchon opposes the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which he perceives as an affront to France's national sovereignty.[26] He has repeatedly called for France to withdraw from NATO.[26]
'Mossad agent' Roger Auque and his daughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen
Marion Maréchal Le Pen is a Front National (FN) member of the French parliament.
She is a granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, and a niece of Marine Le Pen.
Marion's birth father is Roger Auque, a spy and journalist who died in September 2014.[9]
Roger Auque was an agent of Mossad.
Roger Auque wrote In The Secret Service, in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.
Révélations: Le père de Marion Maréchal-Le Pen . / The Israeli agent.
The Israeli agent.
Marine Le Pen once said: "In matters of ballot stuffing, we could not do better than France."
Marine Le Pen has blamed the false flag attacks in France on the enemies of Israel.
There is a belief that politicians such as Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are pawns of Israel, and their job is to divert attention away from the fact that Israel is the bad guy.
Le Pen makes friends with the Jewish media.
Some of Marine Le Pen's European colleagues have formed alliances with, and visited, some Israeli settlers and groups.
Marine Le Pen says that her National Front party "has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel's right to exist".
International politics
Le Pen makes friends with Ron Proser, Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN

Marine Le Pen is not a 'conspiracy theorist'.
In a statement about the death of Osama bin Laden, she welcomed his "salutary elimination" and claimed that his execution was "a right and appropriate answer to the death of the victims in the 2011 Marrakech bombing".[242]
Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is opposed to the Nazi Islamists.
She has compared Muslims praying in the streets, outside overflowing mosques, to the occupation of France by the German Nazis.
To be fair, Marine le Pen is better than Francois Hollande, who wanted to invade Syria, and Nicolas Sarkozy, who was reportedly financed by Gaddafi.
Pierrette, Yann, Marine, Jean-Marie et Marie-Caroline Le Pen.
Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is a bit of a Socialist.
Marine Le Pen is to the Left of the governing French socialist party in so far as she wants the state to run energy companies, financial services, the post office, hospitals, schools and transport.
The mother of Marine Le Pen was a Playboy bunny!
Marine Le Pen is a fan of Putin and Russia.
She wants to set up a 'privileged partnership' with Russia.
She claims that a French-Russian partnership is necessitated by "obvious civilization and geostrategic factors" as well as France's "energy security interests".
Le Pen supporters.
Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is opposed to:
Unlimited Free Trade, Globalisation, Corrupt bankers, The European Union, NATO, Support for US imperialism, The demonisation of Russia, Nuclear power, and large scale immigration.
Of course, Le Pen, if elected, might appoint a cabinet made up of people from Goldman Sachs and Exxon Mobil.
Marine's father, Jean-Marie, is a former paratrooper whose political supporters, unfortunately, included fans of Hitler.
Jean-Marie has described his daughter as an 'ideal physical specimen for this part of France'.
The Le Pen family are rich.
The main family home in Paris is a £5 million mansion on a private estate.

Marine le Pen says that unlike the Netherlands' Geert Wilders, she is "not waging war against Islam".
Le Pen and the 'Jewish Indonesian' Geert Wilders
Marine le Pen says that unlike the Netherlands' Geert Wilders, she is "not waging war against Islam".