Could North Korea's Artillery Destroy Seoul?

Kyle Mizokami, National Interest: Could North Korea Annihilate Seoul with Its Artillery?

For most armies, artillery is just one component of an all-arms force consisting of infantry, armor and artillery. But North Korea’s curious strategic location, with the enemy capital within striking range, has turned the country’s arsenal of howitzers and rocket launchers collectively into a weapon of mass destruction, capable of reducing Seoul to rubble within days. Or does it? Has the threat to the capital by North Korea’s “King of Battle” been overstated?

During the Cold War, North Korea built up an oversized army—and artillery corps—as part of its goal of re-invading South Korea. The North Korean People’s Army Artillery Command is responsible for 12,000 pieces of tube artillery and 2,300 pieces of multiple launch rocket artillery over 107-millimeters. The majority of tube artillery are 122-, 130-, 152- and 170-millimeter units, and on the rocket side the majority are 240-millimeter units.

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WNU Editor: In my first visit to South Korea during the 1988 Olympics, I asked a good South Korean friend of mine that of all the weapons that North Korea had which did he fear the most .... his answer was .... the artillery. Over the years .... and many trips to South Korea .... when I asked that question I have always been given the same answer.  North Korea's artillery capacity is no joke ,,,, it is their weapon of mass destruction, and they will use it to destroy Seoul.

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