Edouard Louis, born 1992. 

Edouard Louis  grew up in Hallencourt, a village in Northern France.

Edouard Louis describes his early life in his first book, entitled 'The End of Eddy'.

ft.com / Édouard Louis / literary boy wonder Édouard / The Family is a Curse

Edouard's family was poor.

Edouard writes:

"On the day when the amount of the allowance at the start of the school year was raised, my father, with a joy we rarely saw ... shouted: 'Sunday, we're going to the seaside.'

"And indeed we went, six of us in a car big enough for five. I rode in the boot."

Northern France.

Edouard's family 'drank a lot and could be violent'.

Edouard writes: "I saw my big brother try to kill my father one September evening in 2001."

9 11 - Dagens & Kvällens Bilder

Edouard's father believes the official version of 9 11; and he can be deeply racist.

However, in the late 1980's, Edouard's father had befriended a male Arab, and the two were 'very close'.

The End of Eddy: The complexity of intolerance

Hallencourt - "gritty, post-industrial".

Writing about Hallencourt, Edouard refers to:

Domestic violence





Oppression by the elite


And Ignorance.

'Mossad agent' Roger Auque and his daughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen. 

Over 50% of the people of Hallencourt support Marine Le Pen's far-right Front National.

The Le Pen family are rich. 

The main family home in Paris is a £5 million mansion on a private estate.
Edouard is suspicious of the politicians such as Le Pen, Macron and Hollande.


Edouard's family.

In his book, Edouard describes his childhood in Hallencourt.

His father was a factory worker until "a weight fell on him and destroyed his back" and he became unemployed.

His father has had a drink problem, has been a racist, and has been one of the hard men of the village.

Rain entered the house through holes in walls.

Northern France.

As a child in Hallencourt, Edouard is treated badly by the locals.

He is regularly beaten, spat on and called a homosexual.

On one occasion, Edouard and some other boys engaged in sexual activity together.

"Four boys, including Eddy, watch a 'straight' porn film on video....

"The four strip off and copy what they saw in the illicit movie.

"The irony is that 'normal' boys, who could be potential queer- bashers themselves, engage in homosexuality while still being straight...

"Homophobia in an individual or a society could be a disguise for a latent homosexuality."

The End of Eddy: The complexity of intolerance.

Northern France.

Edouard's book was published in 2014, when Edouard was aged 21.

His brother then went looking for him with a baseball bat

The rich elite and the poor.

Edouard does not blame his parents, schoolmates or neighbours for their violence and neglect.

Edouard sees all these people as victims of an oppressive system.

Edouard complains about the political Left.

He says: "The left stopped talking about poverty as though it doesn't exist...

"François Hollande and all the others on the left should be representing people like my mother and father, but instead they have abandoned them....

"People like my mother, like my father - they are dismissed as if they don't exist.

"Sadly, only the Front National have recognised this; only they pretend to talk about her...

"I'm revolted by the right, but then I would never expect them to do anything for the poor.

"I tell my mother, 'Le Pen's against your interests,' but she doesn't listen."


Edouard Louis.

When Edouard's book was published, Edouard's father phoned to say how proud he was of Edouard.


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