Huge Terror Drill Exercise Planned For Washington DC On Wednesday

The Hill: 'Full-scale' terror attack drill planned for DC area on Wednesday

Officials in the Washington, D.C. area will conduct a “full-scale” drill on Wednesday to train for possible terrorist attacks.

The drill will occur across six sites in D.C., Northern Virginia and Maryland and will include hundreds of volunteer actors, emergency medical personnel, police and fire officials.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments announced the exercise in a press release on Tuesday.

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More News On Tomorrow's Huge Terror Drill Exercise In Washington DC

DC plans 'full-scale' terror attack drill, amid NK tensions -- FOX News
D.C. region to host ‘full-scale’ counterterrorism drill Wednesday -- Washington Times
Terrorism in America: US Capital to Hold Terror Attack Drill with Full-Scale Exercise -- Newsweek
'Full scale' terror-attack drill to take place in Washington DC -- International Business Times
Washington D.C. To Hold Massive "Coordinated Terror Attack" Drill This Wednesday -- Zero Hedge

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