President Trump Tells The Italian PM That The Only Role For The U.S. In Libya Is To Defeat The Islamic State

New York Times: No U.S. Military Role in Libya, Trump Says, Rejecting Italy’s Pleas

President Trump said on Thursday that he would not give the American military a direct role in helping stabilize war-ravaged Libya, rejecting years of pleading by Italy for more assistance in stemming African migrant traffic into Europe.

Mr. Trump’s comments came during a White House news conference with Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni of Italy, who implored the United States to step up its “critical” involvement in Libya, a former Italian colony.

“We need a stable and unified Libya,” Mr. Gentiloni, who has been in office since November, said, discussing a conflict that has sent thousands of asylum seekers across the Mediterranean to Italy and other European countries. “A divided country, and in conflict, would make civility worse.”

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WNU Editor: The Italian Prime Minister wants the U.S. to intervene. Libya is now the gateway for millions of Africans who want a better life in Europe, and as long as chaos reigns supreme in that country, the human smugglers are taking full advantage of the situation ..... Italian PM: 'Chaos' of Migrant Crisis Threatens to Engulf Europe (VOA). As to what is my take .... I am done with nation building.

More News On President Trump Telling The Italian PM That The Only Role For The U.S. In Libya Is To Defeat The Islamic State

Trump says only role for U.S. in Libya is defeating Islamic State -- Reuters
Trump says he does not see expanded role for U.S. in Libya beyond ISIS fight -- Washington Post
Trump, alongside Italian PM, says no US role in Libya -- CNN
Trump: I don't see a role for the U.S. in Libya -- Politico
Trump says no US role in Libya, moments after Italian PM calls it 'critical' -- FOX News
'Defeat ISIS and go home': Trump rejects US role in Libya nation-building -- RT

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