The PKR secretary-general said PAS appeared to be on the offensive against the party during its ongoing muktamar, including attacking Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.
"It is better if they don't wait any further. The respectful thing PAS members can do is to relinquish all posts in the state government once the decision to sever ties is finalised," he said in a statement on Friday.
On Thursday, the PAS Dewan Ulama assembly approved a motion to cut ties with PKR without debate.
Saifuddin said he was following the assembly closely, adding that he would not be surprised if the motion was approved by the muktamar later in the day.
"What is the logic of severing ties with DAP, Amanah and now PKR – but at the same time they want to continue to co-govern the state?" he asked.
If PAS pulls out of Selangor, it would leave the state government with a simple majority of 29 out of the 56 seats in the state assembly.
PAS also holds several local councillor positions in Selangor. - the Star online