Russia, Iran, Syria Denounce The U.S. For Its Missile Attack Against A Syrian Airfield

RT: Russia, Syria & Iran demand no further US strikes on Syria – foreign ministers

The US cruise missile attack on Syria was an act of international aggression, Russia, Syria and Iran have stated after a meeting of their foreign ministers in Moscow.

“We have reiterated our position and were united in stating that the attack was an act of aggression, which blatantly violated the principles of international law and the UN Charter,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

“We call on the US and its allies to respect Syria’s sovereignty and refrain from actions similar to what happened on April 7, and which have serious ramification not only for regional, but also global security,” he added.

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More News On Russia, Iran, And Syria Denouncing The U.S. For Its Missile Attack Against A Syrian Airfield On April 17

Russia, Iran warn US against new Syria attacks -- DW
Russia, Iran and Syria issue warning to US -- AP
Iran, Russia, Syria condemn US missile attack on Homs -- Press TV (Iran)
Russia, Iran, Syria denounce US 'act of aggression' -- Euronews
Russia, Iran, Syria jointly condemn US' unilateral missile strikes in Syria -- RUDAW

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